If birds and other pests are destroying your dreams of strawberry fields forever, take heart. I have actually found them eating the strawberries while I have been picking them. I used a Brinno TLC timelapse camera to catch what was eating mine, as soon as they start turning red - a cockroach! Sort by. This has been happening for years and it is angering me!!! This This Woodlice are Eating my Strawberries! Anyway great post. What bug is eating my strawberries, leaving them hollow? Yikes, they've given me the creeps, I don't think anyone has dropped their much loved strawberries so quickly. best. Eating foods such as strawberries, grapes, watermelon, and cantaloupe that are high in water content and fiber can help hydrate the body and maintain regular bowel movements. What is eating my strawberries? Also, there seemed to be no big difference between those who downed tons of strawberries and those who ate them on a fairly regular basis. Various species of fruit-eating birds -- including finches, orioles and robins -- can severely damage or consume strawberry plants greatly reducing your crop. I caught it on film and posted it on YouTube (search for "Strawberry Horror"). I'm a beginner, but one thing I'm sure of is that I don't want to use chemical pesticides in our garden. I don’t understand it maybe it’s a collective conscience thing or something. Birds. 66% Upvoted. The same thing is happening to my strawberries and I have put it down to woodlice. I have only just found your site, and I would like to offer my tale of woe. You love the taste of those sweet, juicy strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa) -- but so do the mice in your yard. save hide report. Insects are smaller and less obvious than birds and mammals, but they can cause significant damage to your strawberries . Slugs, snails, earwigs and aphids are all common pests. This is the first year I have ever had a problem with woodlice eating my strawberries but there are hundreds of them and they’ve got a taste for my strawberries. share. 5 comments. ), but you can slow the path of destruction. I don’t understand it maybe it’s a collective conscience thing or something. in Grow Your Own - Page 1 of 1 I have only just found your site, and I would like to offer my tale of woe. This is the first year I have ever had a problem with woodlice eating my strawberries but there are hundreds of them and they’ve got a taste for my strawberries. something is taking bites out of my strawberries , they wont bother the berry till it is almost red enough to pick then it takes bites out of them . Many animals enjoy eating strawberries (Fragaria spp. This thread is archived. I'm looking for something easy to apply even if it needs to be done multiple times. I have a lot of strawberry plants and when I go to collect the ripe ones many of them look perfect but when I pick them they are almost completely hollow, having been eaten away on one side by some kind of critter. How can I protect my strawberries so the kids can enjoy them instead of the bugs? Any help would be great. Anyway great post. it is not an insect , but I dont know what it is , I see robins around them alot I know it not rabbits , (the coyotes have just about wiped them out here) . Here and here are two pictures. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. i went out to check my strawberries last night and the area is crawling with wood lice, i looked it up and although they do mostly feed on rotting stuff it says they are also partial to strawberries and will eat them with no other help from slugs etc, i have also mulched my strawberry area with leaf mould so i am going to scrape that back as it is encouraging them to live there. What is eating my strawberries in the garden? I would come back every few nights till the ripened strawberry was totally eaten. Page 1 of 1: Just as my strawberries are ripening and starting to look lush, I find that the pesky woodlice have been feasting on all the best, ripest ones!