So if hibernation isn’t sleep, exactly, then what is it? So do frogs, snakes and even some bugs. Meerkats do not compete with those species for resources, and sometimes even share the space with them. Some animals sleep through the winter -- those animals are called hibernators. It is hard for them to find food. Technically, it’s called hibernation, and there are different types of hibernation that various animals use to make it through the winter. Bears and chipmunks hibernate. Not all animals sleep. 1. Posted On 2016-12-17. There is snow on the ground. Meerkats have also … Instead, they enter a state called “torpor”. Talat ... weather conditions through something called ‘hibernation’ or winter sleep. The number of hours than an animal sleeps can also vary widely. During the harsh winter months, many animals have adapted a special way of surviving the frigid temperatures: hibernation. Warm-Blooded Animals. A colony of meerkats, which averages 20 to 30 members and is called a “mob” or “gang,” often uses burrows dug by ground squirrels or mongooses. Aestivation is summer sleep. Some might go into a deep sleep for extended periods of time, while others will just slow down but remain active. They withdraw and lead a life with reduced BMR (basic Metabolic Rate) in a state of dormancy. Rather than face the hardships that often accompany a cold winter, there are many animals that take what might be considered an extended siesta to pass the winter months. The animal's body temperature drops, and its heartbeat and breathing slow down. A long winter’s sleep. This deep sleep allows them to conserve energy, and survive the winter … Some animals sleep all winter. … ... Insects and other arthropods do not sleep. But in reality, not that many animals truly hibernate. Some animals stay awake all the time or simply relax once in a while without sleeping. In the following paragraphs, we shall have a look at the hibernating animals list that will help you know which neighborhood wilderness animals sleep their way through winter. Why do some animals hibernate during the winter. 4 Minute Read Many enter a lighter state of sleep called torpor. The number of hours than an animal sleeps can also vary widely. Question:Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as what? Hibernation is a state of reduced metabolic activity during the winter. A common definition of hibernation is a long-term state in which body temperature is significantly decreased, metabolism slows drastically and the animal enters a comalike condition that takes some time to recover from. Many organisms like the snails do not find it comfortable in summer. Smaller animals, which often have higher rates of brain metabolism, tend to require … Well … not exactly. List of Hibernating Animals. Biologists love to argue about how to classify things, and hibernation is no different. Some Animals Don't Actually Sleep for the Winter, and Other Surprises About Hibernation It isn't just groundhogs—find out which animals hibernate and why. It is very difficult for most animals to find enough food in winters when the main source … It is a very deep sleep called hibernation. Other animals stay active in winter. Cats sleep, on average, for 15 hours a day, while rats clock up to 20 hours a day. REM sleep is when most dreams occur. The meerkat is one example. Bears, perhaps the most famous of such animals, don't undergo quite as deep a sleep as many other animals, so some scientists don't consider it true hibernation. Birds use unihemispheric sleep during long flights. They need little or no food. Aestivation is generally called as summer sleep and in this period animals take rest during the period of a day or it can be longer but hibernation which is commonly said as winter sleep is undergrounding of mammals, reptiles either coldblooded or warm for a period which can comprise on months also. Cats sleep, on average, for 15 hours a day, while rats clock up to 20 hours a day. Take a look at some of the animals that like to hide out until spring arrives. The long sleep through the winter is called hibernation. People live in warm houses. Winter is cold. Before entering hibernation, animals need to store enough energy to last through the duration of their dormant period, possibly as long as an entire winter. Some animals hibernate for part or all of the winter. Many small warm-blooded animals hibernate during the winter, including many rodents like the dormouse, ground squirrel, and woodchuck.