The .300 Win. Big game requires at least a .24 caliber cartridge which generates at least 1000 ft-lbs energy at 100 yards. Here's one we can all chew on; it comes up pretty often and I think with the influx of new folks here it's worth approaching in a different way. Colorado has minimum caliber, bullet weight, and bullet energy regulations. If anything, they’re a reminder that any good bullet, in a solid caliber, sent on its way with enough speed into the animal’s vitals can do an excellent job. An Alaskan bull moose is best thought of as starting between 700-800 pounds for a 2 year old spike/fork and can go upwards of 1600 pounds for an old bull. When it comes to spot-and-stalk hunts, magnums are more useful. Here are the top choices 7. The optimum load for a trophy bruin depends on how you plan to hunt. The 10 Best Black Bear Cartridges. On the right is the popular and effective 7mm Remington Magnum. On the left is the.280 Ackley Improved, an outstanding and highly underrated cartridge. I suspect that the argument of what rifle cartridge is the best "all-around" caliber for Alaska big game hunting has burned as many calories in heated debate as what truck is better, Ford or Chevy. Once this percolates a bit I may post a poll on the favored calibers and see what we get. Moose are very big animals, but they are not immortal. Thanks for your questions. Best Caliber for 70%Deer, 30% Moose & Elk??? .30-06 is the bare minimum caliber that you should consider for brown bear hunting. Rounding out our compendium of versatile calibers is the 7mm Remington Magnum. Bigger isn’t always better when it comes to picking a cartridge for moose hunting. The.30-06 caliber rifle is an awesome caliber. .45-70 The .45-70 is my moose and bear defense round when I’m at gold camp, or out picking berries. .30-30 For Deer. The 7 mm Remington Magnum is the smallest cartridge recommended for grizzly bears. However, the .30-06 is still a great all-around choice for hunting anywhere on this continent, and it's hands down my favorite caliber on this list..375 Holland & Holland Magnum Here are my choices, in order of preference, and why. Let's talk about your top three choices of centerfire caliber for Alaska-Yukon moose. 7mm Remington Magnum. Cartridges. Used thusly, they can be deadly. Like any other hunt I've ever been on, the conversation eventually turned to guns and loads. 10 Best Calibers for Deer Hunting (Updated: 2019) Hunters are always on the lookout for the best caliber ammunition for deer hunting to achieve the best success rate. An Alaskan bull moose is best thought of as starting between 700-800 pounds for a 2 year old spike/fork and can go upwards of 1600 pounds for an old bull. Minimum bullet weight requirements are 70 grains for antelope, bear, and deer; and 85 grains for elk and moose. Love our antler art? But to identify the best choices, you first need to take into account all the variables that can affect the cartridge’s performance. 6. 3. #9 shot is by far your best bet. .22 LR for Varmints. If I knew I might be facing a charging Alaskan brown bear at short distance, I might look for a tad more horsepower. It is an extremely popular moose caliber here in Maine. .338 Winchester Magnum For Bear. I would rather see a moose hunter carrying a .30-06 that he can shoot well instead of a .338 Magnum that causes him to flinch. Give any bear that you encounter (especially a sow with cubs) plenty of space. When discussing the correct armament for adequately tackling the task that is Alaska moose hunting, the first step is to not ignore the animal’s generous size. .308 for Hogs. If you rule out heavily-built dangerous animals, the 7mm Remington Magnum may indeed be the most versatile caliber on this list. Lead shot is legal for target shooting … but always check with your range to be sure of rules and regulations. Scenario: Northern hunt for giant Yukon-Alaska moose Good bonded bullets such as Nozlers, Swift or Barnes are the best.” ALASKA OUTFITTER Best Calibers for Brown Bears. There are many ammo types produced by various brands to kill deer effectively, yet there is still need to find the best. In this article, we’re going to talk about some of the best big game hunting rifles for those ferocious big game animals. When discussing the correct armament for adequately tackling the task that is Alaska moose hunting, the first step is to not ignore the animal’s generous size. Mag. 2. .223 Remington (or 5.56 NATO) for Coyotes. Last week I had the chance to hunt moose, wolves and mule deer with Rugged Outfitting in southern Alberta, Canada. This includes dangerous game such as bear, moose, elk, and large African game such as gemsbok, eland, and cape buffalo. 4. Other bolt-action calibers include the.300 and.338 Winchester Magnums,.300 and.340 Weatherby Magnums,.375 H&H Magnum and the tremendously powerful.458 Winchester Magnum.