If you have had success with birds coming to your feeders before but, for some reason they have stopped. birds not coming to suet feeder. Why are there no birds at my feeder? The next day only a couple hummers came to drink, and by the end of the week they werent coming at all. Lots of garden birds will head out into the wider countryside to fill up on these naturally calorific treats, which probably don’t grow in your gardens. It may also be the wrong time of day. marricgardens December 27, 2009. At certain times of the year, especially in late summer and early fall, you will notice that your bird feeder isn't as popular as it once was. Consider a mesh sock for goldfinches , nectar feeders for hummingbirds, suet feeders for woodpeckers, mealworm dishes for … Or other predators that you are unaware of may have moved in (hawk, cat, etc.) Suddenly one day the yellow birds stopped coming. My problem really is that birds do not seem to be attracted to the hanging seed feeders,no finches of any sort and even the blue tits go for food on tables rather than hanging feeders. I’m worried that perhaps this new seed may have something to do with this bird disappearance. Of course, the strategic location of the feeders enhances this effect, not just during migration, but year round. The hummingbird may have stopped coming to the feeder because it viewed the woodpecker as a threat. We made a suet feeder last week. The birds come but only eat from the regular feeders. Hi, Im new to feeding the birds and have this winter started putting food out for them, I have to say I am totally hooked now. It was like someone had thrown a switch. I live in northwest Connecticut and have been filling my bird feeder at least once a day since early November, . Reason number 2 why you have no birds at your feeder. Until the end of February when all of a sudden they stopped coming. Suddenly, a week ago, the birds stopped coming. 1. Some things we just cannot change but others, we may be able to influence. Once it catches on, then the traffic really ramps up. Reason number 2 why you have no birds at your feeder. I was pretty smooth back then. I filled the holes and then we hung it close to the other feeders. Not that I'm complaining because I love seeing the titmice, nuthatches, chickadees, woodpeckers (downy, hairy and red-bellied), blue jays and juncos, but I haven't seen a single siskin, redpoll, Carolina… It happened after I had planted some flowers. Watching birds at my feeders during a snowfall is one of my favorite things to do. #Exclusive for You Birds Suddenly Stopped Coming To Feeder is usually the best goods presented the foregoing 1 week. Often it's the curious little Chickadees that figure it out first. Day after day, I would arrive at my girlfriend's house, hand her a heart-shaped box of candy and then slyly take a quick peek at the bird feeder. I planted some dianthus, and I layed down a layer of cedar mulch. In these pages, we describe and explain many of the real and apparent reasons why birds ‘disappear’ at various times of the year. I have put up a pole feeder in the front garden and the open bowl and fat balls (not the seed feeder!)