Brown recluse can be identified by a violin pattern on the upper cephalothorax (the part where the legs attach), are yellow in color, and have six eyes. Many have a violin-shaped marking on the chest. Black Widow Spider vs. Brown Recluse Spider. In the U.S., most spiders you will find are harmless, but the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider are exceptions. Brown recluse spiders are located mainly in the south central United States. It is important for residents to be familiar with what these spiders look like, their behaviors and the correct plan of action that should be taken when a person suffers a bite. Unlike the black widow which uses its web to catch prey, the recluse searches for prey at … Both black widow and brown recluse spiders are common in North America and throughout the world. They only tend to bite if they feel threatened. In the group of spiders that could be a hazard to those living in Louisiana, are the brown recluse, the brown widow and the black widow. The Brown Recluse. Brown recluse spiders (Loxosceles reclusa) are tan to dark brown with a leg span of approximately 1 inch. Both types of spiders are more common in the southern U.S. and in warm, dry climates.