About This Quiz & Worksheet. Testes There are two testes (one of them is called a testis). Birds are physiologically different from any other creature on the face of the earth. Organs are somewhat independent parts of the body that carry out special functions. Crown: The crown is the very top of a bird's head. Spurless hen resembles many other speckled brown gamebirds, but can be told by chestnut patch on nape. The shape, size, and structure of body parts permit different fishes to live in different environments or in different parts of the same environment. The average human heart beats around 100,000 times every day. Bones are more than just the scaffolding that holds the body together. WebMD's Vagina Anatomy Page provides an image and definition of the vagina and describes its function, parts, and conditions that affect the vagina. The duck picks up the oil with its head and beak, and then smears it all over its body to make the outer feathers waterproof. This section of the brain is tasked with the duty of supervising important tasks such as blood pressure, breathing and heartbeat. Ducks are popular and widespread waterfowl, but do you know your duck anatomy? Being able to identify the different parts of a duck can help birders find field marks and other identifying characteristics more quickly in order to feel confident about proper duck identification. How do all living organisms begin? Proteins dictate cell function and gene expression, a cell is able to self-regulate by the amount of proteins produced. External Anatomy of Fishes. While they need to eat, drink, and breathe the same as we do, the parts of their bodies that carry out these functions differ drastically from our own. Learn these duck body parts names to improve and increase your vocabulary words about animal body parts in English. Sperm duct During mating, sperm cells that have been released pass through the sperm ducts. The first step in doing your part to keep your bird in top condition is to learn about how your pet's body works. On ducks, look for a solid color, iridescent sheen, or any mottling or striations. What body parts of duck get their food? Eye. Clams and other shellfish have hairlike parts called ___ . Crown. The Human Body: Anatomy, Facts & Functions. The first step toward successful bird identification is knowing the basic parts of a bird. T he crab is a unique creature that has some body parts all of its own. Here, parts of DNA are copied and sent to the body of the cell via RNA.