With warm temperatures, water and an abundance of food, tropical rain forests support thousands of wildlife species. Epiphyte. A bromeliad is a tropical plant in the pineapple family (the family Bromeliaceae). An explanation of how bromeliad plants find sunlight by rooting themselves high up in the trees of the tropical rainforest. Growing a bromeliad as a houseplant is easy and brings interesting texture and color to the interior garden. Few studies of Bromeliaceae connect genetic data and conservation planning. Adaptations can include such traits as narrow leaves, waxy surfaces, sharp spines and specialized root systems. Bromeliads are related to the pineapple family. Dendrobates pumilio in bromeliad. Some adaptations are they can see from the ... Bromeliads look like the top of a pineapple of which pineapple is considered a bromeliad. Obviously, few people have a tropical rainforest in their homes, and this is where bromeliads really shine. The youngest leaves of a bromeliad are in the centre (Photo credit: Jungle Music Net) Most plants in the tropical rainforest have adapted to the strong sunlight, heavy rain, … Some bromeliads can hold several gallons of water and are miniature ecosystems in themselves providing homes for several creatures including frogs and their tadpoles, salamanders, snails, beetles and mosquito larvae. These Vibrant Amazon Rainforest Plants Will Take Your Breath Away. Some bromeliads are brightly-colored epiphytes, which live on the branches and trunks of rainforest trees. Tropical rainforest plants with a shallow rooted tree are often equipped with buttress roots. As such, plants growing here have special adaptations that allow them to grow and thrive in the tropical rainforest. Experiment with a pineapple to see how a bromeliad catches water and animal and plant litter. Bromeliads are related to the pineapple family. One of the amazing adaptations of epiphytes is their ability to attach to vertical surfaces and capture their water and much of their nutrient needs from sources other than soil. Describe and explain the main plant adaptations in a tropical rainforest environment. What is an Epiphyte Plant? Some bromeliads can hold several gallons of water and are miniature ecosystems in themselves providing homes for several creatures including frogs and their tadpoles, salamanders, snails, beetles and mosquito larvae. More photos of bromeliads, epiphytes, and orchids. Many rain forest animals use adaptations to … The foliage of the Bromeliad is known for being vibrant and eye-catching. Their thick, waxy leaves form a bowl shape in the centre for catching rainwater. The plants are highly adaptable, and for most people, it's actually better to grow them in a rich, fast-draining potting soil than it is to attempt to duplicate their native conditions. Bromeliad plants provide an exotic touch to the home and bring a sense of the tropics and sun-kissed climates. The competition means organisms must adapt or develop specialized traits to compete for environmental resources. They have a remarkable way of getting water and food. 8. Learn about the fascinating collection of bromeliads at the Living Rainforest. As the Atlantic rainforest contains at least 803 bromeliad species, 653 of which are endemic and 40% of which are endangered, the preservation of the Atlantic rainforest is vital for the conservation of Bromeliaceae (Martinelli et al., 2008). Answer and Explanation: Usually, but not always. The word epiphyte comes from the Greek “epi”, which means “upon” and “phyton”, which means plant. While the plant is maturing, new leaves will continue to grow from the center of the plant. They have a remarkable way of getting water and food. Some bromeliads are brightly-colored epiphytes, which live on the branches and trunks of rainforest trees.