Eyes, when dark, can appear to be brown, blue, or black. Do your guinea pig's eyes seem to be bothering him? Guinea pigs, like many other exotic pets, are prone to eye problems.There are a variety of diseases and issues that can affect the health of your guinea pig’s eyes but some of these problems are seen more commonly than others. There is no real way of preventing eye problems in guinea pigs as most are caused by congenital problems, such as entropion (in-turned eyelashes), accident or old age. For us, it would probably be like staring at the sun--too much light. Prevention of eye problems. It may be faulted in the fact that it may have some areas of red or some areas of black, but when looking at the cavy, no distinctive patch pattern should be apparent. Toenails: Brindles may have red and/or black toenails. It reminds them of rats. By familiarizing yourself with some of the possibilities, you’ll be better prepared to deal with an eye problem that your guinea pig may have in the future. My male guinea pig is not albino, his eyes are brown but they have a red tint or in a certain lighting their red. Sometimes referred to as “pink eye” or “red eye,” conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the eye's outermost layer. Red eyes mean no iris pigmentation and no protection from light; it absorbs all the light. Eyes … Guinea pigs’ eyes range in colour from pink to ruby red or even a dark shade. The cavy can be basically red shot with black or basically black shot with red. The red you are seeing is really the blood behind the eye. Just make sure that your guinea pig's red eyes are protected from bright lights. They love them to pieces. Even if your pet has dark eyes, the eyes will carry a reddish cast to them, especially if a light is shining into them as when photographing them. It seems that only breeders or certain types she f people fall for the Himalayan Skinny Pigs. How to Treat Conjunctivitis on Guinea Pigs. Frequently due to bacterial infections, there are two kinds of bacteria that are most commonly involved in conjunctivitis: Bordetella and Streptococcus. It's normal for some guinea pigs to have a red tint or red eyes. The problem seems to be with the Skinny Pigs that have the Red/Pink Eyes. But children absolutely adore them. Children in fact adults too don’t seem to car for the Red Eyes.