i have three tortoises one is a russian. but not everyday. ... Feed your redfoot as much as it will eat in 30 minutes. If you have a tortoise at home, here is a list of good things to eat that might be in your yard. They can have fruit but it shouldn't be a regular thing. The best diet is a variety of weeds (leaves and flowers). They come out of hibernation, and their bodies are genetically programmed to eat as much as they can until it’s time for very hot weather, during which Russians aestivate. Prepared tortoise chows, especially Mazuri Tortoise Diet, Zoo Med Natural Grassland Tortoise … Tortoise Diet (Taken from Mader’s Reptile Medicine) Adults should be fed three times per week and hatchlings fed daily. Cactus -- pads and fruit and yummy, spines are owie Russian tortoises come from a harsh environment and are active for just a few months during the year. Naval oranges are also pretty high in calcium. More edible plant lists can be found in the HELPFUL LINKS section, as can lists of dangerous plants. Tortoises don't process the sugars very well. And the right fruits to feed them is oranges strawberries apple slices pineapple melon tomatos and raspberries. maybe like once a week. For every feeding, dust food with calcium lactate, carbonate, or gluconate. And since tortoises are particularly vegetarian, never feed your reptile dog … The most important thing that you can do to keep a tortoise healthy is to ensure that you are providing a proper environment and diet. However for many , the ideal diet is just not available. Tortoise Food For A Healthy Tortoise Keep a tortoise healthy with good tortoise food. Russian Tortoises can eat peas, i feed my Russian tortoise peas daily, although you can overfeed them very easily so i give my tortoise breakfast and dinner. Tortoises need a meal plan focused on key nutrients, supplemented here and there with some treats. Russian Tortoises can eat peas, i feed my Russian tortoise peas daily, although you can overfeed them very easily so i give my tortoise breakfast and dinner. These tortoises are relatively small compared to others in the pet market. ! Every 1 to 2 weeks dust food with multivitamins ( If vitamin-fortified foods are not available). Can Russian tortoises eat spinach, parsley, iceberg lettuce, apples, grapes, strawberries, Brussels-sprouts or cauliflower leaves? In moderation, however, berries and fruits are suitable snacks for a … Russian Tortoises also commonly develop respiratory tract infections … oh and if you have a russian like me , mine eats organic spring mix which you can find in the produce aisle. because it is too sweet. Tortoise food and diet advice. Captive desert tortoises depend on their owners for a proper diet necessary for their health and longevity. Wild tortoises also eat insects, slugs, and carrion, but if you supplement with these critters, keep in mind that feeding your pet too much animal protein can harm it. Horsefield tortoises have many food preferences, including dandelions. By David Alderton 14 Dec 2016 One of the characteristics that sets tortoises apart from turtles is the fact they they feed almost entirely on plant matter. Tortoises will consume many of the vegetables you offer but be sure to avoid poisonous plants. Asked in Turtles and Tortoises Worms, snails, slugs, millipedes, insect larvae, 'bugs' Pet or feed store foods. They can get some of their calcium from cuttle fish bone. Tortoises can eat a variety of vegetables and plants, many of which you can grow in an edible garden specifically for your tortoise. The species can spend as much as 9 months of the year in dormancy. Helping educate current and potential owners of Redfoot tortoises on their husbandry, so they can have a healthy, active tortoise and the tortoise can express its normal behavior and live a long, healthy life. The male Russian tortoise courts a female through head bobbing, circling, and biting her forelegs. A diet too heavy in treats such as berries and fruit can cause health complications including diarrhea, kidney problems and malnutrition. A tortoise food, complete with calcium and vitamin D3, works well. Russian tortoises are great beginner pet tortoises, as they are healthy and hardy creatures. Russian Tortoises are "programmed" to eat allot in a short period of time. Russian tortoise diet is one of the most important elements of their care and keeping.