We need to get rid of the possum without hurting the dogs. As the feces dries, the parasites become released into the air. Roundworms survive in the human intestines for two years and cause abdominal disorders, diarrhea, breathing diseases and, in more severe cases they can block the intestinal passages. Trapped possums must be released within 24 hours of capture (at sunset on the day of capture). The possum won't try to escape at all. You must have a Trap and Release Protected Wildlife Permit to catch and remove a possum from your property.. Answers.com ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Land Mammals Rodents Mice and Rats How do you care for a wild possum? I know they are slow but I hear they are good climbers. Most wildlife experts do say, don’t feed wild animals for a variety of reasons ... 2 hour to reply being a SPEED TYPIST and all could you possibly retrieve my message and post it so I can try and get in touch with tracey. If you find an orphaned baby ringtail, please look carefully to see whether you can see any others needing rescue as well, as ringtail possums commonly produce twins and occasionally triplets. Trap and release. There is no cure for rabies once you start showing the symptoms. The appearance of the possums droppings is relatively similar to regular dog feces. How to Take Care of a Baby Possum. If possums are damaging ornamental plants or fruit in your garden you can: Build a floppy fence around the garden. I'll feed anything that's hungry. This AnimalSake article sheds some light on the dos and don'ts of looking after a baby possum. If you look closely at the pictures of the opossum poop on the right, you'll see how opossum feces are blackish in color. Even breathing it in can be a problem. Is opossum feces dangerous to touch or breathe? By providing a nest box outside about 4m up in a tree, your backyard can become a better home for possums. You should be aware that you do not always have to touch the feces or urine to become ill. But we can coexist peacefully, and they're beautiful little creatures. Would you like to merge this question into it? They are not quiet – if you have a possum in your roof, you will soon know about it! You will need to identify more the shape of the poop in the attic to determine if it is an opossum living in your attic. WIRES PO Box 7276 WARRINGAH MALL NSW 2100 It's 2 in the morning so we can't call animal control. How to Take Care of a Baby Possum. The possums are so used to me that I can walk outside and stand next to them and they don't flinch. Make a donation. Simple things that you do can make a huge difference to Australia’s animals. It involves a lot of delicate handling, patience, and a working knowledge of these marsupials. Please include your email address when you send pouches or liners to us so that we can thank you, send photo's of pouches in use and emails when we have other knitting/sewing projects that you may be able to help with. It involves a lot of delicate handling, patience, and a working knowledge of these marsupials. While possums aren't typically as devastating to a garden or yard as some other forms of wildlife, seeing them in the area can be disconcerting, as they can grow quite large. These can be very dangerous illnesses, and so you have to do what you can to protect yourself. It is the similar color, smell, shape and size. Their dogs are cornering it but they won't do anything to it. As cute as they are to look at, baby possums are not too easy to care for. All animals can be dangerous. It's illegal to keep them without a wildlife rehabilitation permit, though, and once they're old enough to survive on their own, healthy possums can, and should, be released. This AnimalSake article sheds some light on the dos and don'ts of looking after a baby possum. Trying to transform a possum into a pet can be expensive and heartbreaking. Use 80 centimetre wide, heavily galvanised chicken wire, bury the bottom 20 centimetres in the ground and support the remainder on vertical lengths of flexible, high-tensile fencing wire.