Let’s ignore Windows for the moment and focus on the share of 4 Linux distros and all versions Plesk supports today: CentOS – 61% Ubuntu – 26% Debian – 10% RedHat – 1,3% If you check out any community forum and ask any user about Ubuntu, the sentiments are the same. Hello, I am quite new to the linux world and would love to breath life into an old macbook of mine with linux. Source - W3Techs, Date - … Ubuntu, Kali, etc. It will take a lot of time to set up the desktop with Centos. Debian and Ubuntu are just two of the many ‘flavors’ of Linux and count among the most popular Linux distributions around. At the start of 2017, Debian had a 31.9% market share amongst the Linux distros running web servers … mpkossen Member. Ubuntu comes in 2 flavors, Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu Desktop. The most important reason people chose Debian GNU/Linux is: These 2 distros are used both as a desktop OS and as a server, so we’ll compare both use-cases. So just to transfer Debian vs Alpine ~35 million times at a cost of S3’s pricing calculator, there’s a difference of nearly $400,000 USD.. I don’t see any advantage in running a 10-year-old Linux OS on a workstation OR a server, so I don’t care. In Debian it yields Debian GNU/Linux, in Ubuntu it yields Ubuntu and in CentOS it yields CentOS Linux. Benefits of CentOS vs Debian? The most current version is Debian 9. Ubuntu has about 80,000 to Debian's 60,000. The benefit of using grep, cut and sed instead of gawk is clear: Debian does not have gawk installed by default, so you cannot rely on it on random Debian box. If you want it easy, I'd say go with Ubuntu. CentOS vs Ubuntu Comparison Table. The one advantage RH/CentOS have over Debian/Ubuntu is that they support their distros for 10 years, versus “5 plus” for Debian/Ubuntu. Choosing an OS: CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, FreeBSD, CoreOS, or Windows Server. 一般来说Debian作为适合于服务器的操作系统,它比Ubuntu要稳定得多。可以说稳定得无与伦比了。 May 2013 edited May 2013. The primary comparison are discussed below: It's easier than CentOS and there's a lot to find on the web about it (also because it's based on Debian). BSD CentOS CoreOS Debian Linux Guides Operating Systems Ubuntu Windows Guides. Debian vs Ubuntu vs CentOS Debian. Currently (as of 7/2019), Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS are the primary operating systems being utilized today in the hosting market. It will maintain the old packages for the years. We mainly use Ubuntu, Centos Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora during our daily work. ... No. Ubuntu is frequently updated and release new package too often, it is both an advantage and a disadvantage. CentOS vs Debian both are used as internet servers or web servers like web, email, FTP, etc. I know you’re probably not operating at that scale (neither am I), but there is a real savings when it comes to transfer costs in the cloud at all levels of scale.