Chemical tests: 1. In Physico-chemical analysis , various quality parameter are measured Some physical properties of water are listed below: (i) Pure water is colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid (ii) Pure water freezes atomic 0°C and boils atomic 100°C under 1 atm pressure. Pure water is virtually colorless and has no taste or smell. These unusual properties were recognized in the 19th century (seeEdsall and McKenzie, 1978, for references), and their importance was discussed early in the 20th century by Henderson (1913), Bayliss (1924), and Gortner (1938). Following are the important chemical reactions of metals which takes place due to the electropositive character of metals. The colour of water and ice is, intrinsically, a very slight blue hue, although water appears colourless in small quantities. Water Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties Physical Features. The boiling point of alcohols is higher than haloalkanes with the same number of carbon atoms. The plaseut taste of water is due to dissolved gases and salts present in the water. Physical and Chemical Properties of Water Salt Water and Salinity Hydrothermal Vents Salt Water and Salinity Seawater contains most all elements found on Earth Most of the solutes are made of a small group of common ions Solute- the substance being dissolved by the solvent Salt Water and Salinity Six (6) ions compose over 98% of solids in seawater. Water is a chemical compound. Understanding how lipids repel water with one end and attract it with the other requires unpacking the basic chemical structures of lipid molecules and water molecules. 1. Properties of Water . (iii) Water is a non-conductor of electricity and heat. PROPERTIES OF WATER The importance ofwater in living organisms results from its unique physical and chemical properties. Water when pure has no color no taste and no order. Physical properties of water By Deepak Chakravarthy Physical Properties Of Water Pure Water Is Transparent, colourless, odourless and Tasteless Physical Properties of Water At Normal Atmospheric Pressure (i.e., 760 mm Hg) Water boils at 100°c Freezing • Density of ice (at 0°C) is 0.917 g/mL, so ice floats in water. But the hidden qualities of water make it a most interesting subject. Most of the water in the ocean basins is believed to originate from the condensation of water found in the early atmosphere as the Earth cooled after its formation. WATER helps to hydrate the body. Physical and chemical properties of water are given below: 3.  The human body is comprised of over 70% water,and it is a major component of many body fluids including blood,urine,and saliva. All aspects of cell structure and functions are adapted to the physical and chemical properties of water. The essentiality of water for living systems is quite evident as without water, there is no life. Properties Of Water. In order to investigate the physico-chemical quality, 780 water samples were collected from 490 educational institutes located in various areas of Karachi, during the period of May to September 2005. The water has a high specific heat You notice that the temperature of the human body does not change by changing the atmospheric temperature. 1. For this we should know details about water. 3. where from each block water samples are under studied for Physico- chemical status of . Limestone is a rock consisting The Agave leaves powder had a high amount of total dietary fiber (38.40%), total sugars (45.83%), and protein (35.33%), with a relatively low content in ash (5.94%) and lipid (2.03%). Water is an essential ingredient of animal and plant life crediting to its unique physical, chemical and biological properties. General properties / physical properties of water: 1. CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF NANOMATERIALS AND ITS APPLICATIONS by Suman Ghorai An Abstract Of a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Chemistry in the Graduate College of The University of Iowa May 2013 Thesis Supervisor: Assistant Professor Alexei V. Tivanski