Iraq has been ravaged in recent years by cycles of warfare, an internally displaced persons (IDPs) crisis, crippling sectarianism and, most destructively, a three-year campaign to drive ISIS from the third of the country it controlled. Will 2018 be a year of change in Iraq? They need to iron out the details. Baghdad Iraq latest updates and breaking news today, find all about the capital of Iraq news covered by Iraqi News with Iraq war map now. Explore Syrian Civil War news on live map in English. 2006 June - Al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is killed in an air strike. Iraq Economic Growth Growth is seen easing this year on political instability and the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. Civil war and International intervention in Syria. Every year, Amnesty International evaluates the human rights situation in countries around the world. Baghdad. How will that change the Iraqi political scene? Iraq - health situation report pdf, 770kb; Snapshot of WHO Response Activities in Kirkuk Governorate pdf, 772kb January - March 2017; Snapshot of Early Warning Alert and Response Network - Displacement crisis in Iraq pdf, 7.38Mb March 2017 source On live map. Learn about the political instability in Iraq, where it began, and the latest developments with the Center for Preventive Action's Global Conflict Tracker. Baghdad Iraq latest updates and breaking news today, find all about the capital of Iraq news covered by Iraqi News with Iraq war map now. Downside risks to the outlook include Iran-U.S. tensions, which could spill over into conflict on Iraqi soil, a potential spike in social unrest, the recent plunge in oil prices and a worsening of the viral outbreak. Find the latest news, photos, and videos covering breaking news in Iraq on 'Iraq is dying': oil flows freely but corruption fuels growing anger A demonstrator burns tyres during protests in the southern Iraqi city of Basra. Learn about the political instability in Iraq, where it began, and the latest developments with the Center for Preventive Action's Global Conflict Tracker. I think it’s easier to calm things down in Iraq rather than Syria because the Shiites are the majority and have a lot of power, and the Kurds still have their autonomy and the Iraqi government, in the end, decided not to revoke it. Until 2018, the federal government of Iraq was headed by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who kept the country together through wars and financial crises. Map. The federal government is a coalition of Shiite, Sunni, Kurdish, and other leaders. Abadi, a Shiite, emerged as a strong leader for Iraq with historically high levels of Sunni support for his nationalist, anti-sectarian stance. Iraq Security latest updates and Iraq war news today, as you can read all breaking news about Iraq security and updates Iraqi army. Insecurity, lack of social cohesion and livelihoods, and destroyed or damaged housing hamper people's ability to return home. Read headlines on global breaking news updates, the ISIS threat, conflicts and more. Multinational military operations in Iraq against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) intensified over 2017, including major operations to retake Mosul and Telafar. The Alqaeda and ISIS elements are much weaker. Tell friends. Downside risks to the outlook include Iran-U.S. tensions, which could spill over into conflict on Iraqi soil, a potential spike in social unrest, the recent plunge in oil prices and a worsening of the viral outbreak.