And bucks don’t lay down from dawn to dusk. It is a signal for both driver and hunters to use caution and be observant. In the fall when these things are more scarce they will switch to eating grass and evergreen plants. They will simply determine whether the deer activity happens during daylight hours, or at night when the temperature drops to a more comfortable level. If it is getting close to sundown they may wander … Both bucks and the doe during peak estrous don’t pay a lot attention as they run and frolic without regards to much else except meeting up with each other. As such, they eat throughout the day, so depending on the situation I would say … They just don't do it where you are hunting. Deer don't always sleep much at night -- they typically use the cover of darkness as protection against predators. B. C. Hunt the food source end of the movement during the afternoon, in a stand that allows you to get in and out of the food source without spooking the deer herd. Deer are opportunistic, but picky, so they feed throughout the day. However, when mature deer do feed during the day, it’s generally within 100 to 150 yards of their bedding area. They get up to drink. Deer are opportunistic, but picky, so they feed throughout the day. However, deer are not the only animals that exhibit seasonal breeding behavior. Deer are herbivores which means they eat plants, fruits, acorns, and nuts when they are available. Hunting throughout the day can yield a great result. Deer are regularly feeding themselves in fields mostly during the night fall. Most people see deer moving around and feeding in the morning and in the evening, but deer can and will eat at any time during the day. “ They need to be still during this process and it takes a few hours. Deer lie down during the day and are primarily digesting the food they have eaten. 10. During these times, the deer's wide eyes take in plenty of light to see their paths to their favorite food sources, at a point when most predators are struggling to see clearly. When they get up they stretch, walk a few yards from the bed and urinate, wander around a bit while eating, not usually traveling more than a hundred yards, and then lay down again. During the rut, said Fields, the bucks will either be on the move on their own or following does during their mid-day walkabouts. During the rut, said Fields, the bucks will either be on the move on their own or following does during their mid-day walkabouts. In summary, elk habits involve the following in varying degrees and locations: 1) Thick forest or brushy cover for secure bedding areas during the day with small patches of food and some water near bed areas. They leave the safety of vegetation to search for food more often in the low-light hours than at any other time during the day. They do. They will simply determine whether the deer activity happens during daylight hours, or at night when the temperature drops to a more comfortable level. Chances are, neither the warmer or cooler temps are going to affect what day or week the rut occurs. For white-tailed deer, the meal that tops all others is acorns. Deer prefer to eat only the most digestible plants and parts of plants, which means their food can be broken down quickly. There are several practical implications of this reproductive phenomenon; here, we will look at population control.