But at times we also have to say the difficult things our dearest friend needs to hear. In fact, different outlooks can help expand our horizons. Still, a true friend will accept you and even find beauty in your quirks and imperfections. One was honest enough to tell me she felt I had everything and she had nothing—not at all true—but I understood that disparity felt all too real to her. According to the Bible, true friendship is characterized by love. A true friend is consistently willing to put your happiness before your friendship. Giving may take time. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. The firmness and constancy of a true friend is a circumstance so extremely delightful to persons in any kind of distress, that the distress itself, if it be only temporary, and admits of relief, is more than compensated by bringing this comfort with it. a true friend tells me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear. A true friend is a rare thing. Two people who are so close that their actions and thoughts sync together, often thinking and saying the same things at the same time. True Christian friends will build each other up emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It is putting someone else first. A friend will help you move; a true friend will help you move a body. Meeting an online friend for the first couple times can be touch and go, and it's important to always be safe and trust your gut. A true friend rolls with the punches as you grow and change and knows how to deal with your quirks and faults. True friends are hard to find But I knew you were the one You're always so kind And you make everything we do so fun If you're a true friend Then answer this Will we live to the end Hope the answer is yes 'cause this is Something I won't want to miss Define a best friend A best friend is someone you can rely on And if we fight it will mend A true friend is one who helps you see the truth, even if it hurts. In rare instances, people can pretend to be someone else entirely as a way to lure you out. A friend will bail you out of jail; a true friend will be sitting beside you. Rather, it means being up front with friends about important issues, raising gentle questions with tact and love, never … A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Good friends are also patient with you when you make mistakes -- even big ones -- and learns how to forgive you when you hurt them. Perhaps it is the word commitment that unlocks the real meaning of friendship. It is being strictly honest, loyal, and chaste in every action. A true friend doesn't leave because they are afraid to be with you. That doesn’t mean friends have to agree with each other all of the time. A friend is someone that you can confide in with complete trust. The Proverbs, the example of David and Jonathan, instructions to the Church, and, ultimately, Jesus' example depict true friendship. Quotations "A friend should bear his friend's infirmities" [William Shakespeare Julius Caesar] "The belongings of friends are common" [Aristotle] "My best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake" [Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics] "Friends are born, not made" [Henry Adams The Education of Henry Adams] "True happiness" Secondly, they don’t just merely standby silently when others are tearing you down no matter what consequences they may face socially.