This is analogous to the difference between a square and a rectangle. The main difference is that a rectangle always has angles of 90°, while that of a parallelogram … Parallelogram Vs. Rectangle 1. Parallelograms and rectangles both have two sets of parallel sides, although a rectangle has consecutive sides that are perpendicular. Difference Between Parallelogram and Rectangle. 2. Home / Science & Nature / Science / Mathematics / Difference Between Parallelogram and Rectangle. All four sides of a rhombus are the same length. Diagonals of parallelogram are not of equal length Hence, you can observe that there 6 similarities between a Rectangle and a Parallelogram.The highlighted part is the difference between a Rectangle and a Parallelogram. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms . Rectangle is a hyponym of parallelogram. In context|geometry|lang=en terms the difference between parallelogram and rectangle is that parallelogram is (geometry) a convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length while rectangle is (geometry) a quadrilateral having opposing sides parallel and four right angles. This Lesson (Difference between parallelogram,rectangle, square, rhombus and trapezoid) was created by by chillaks(0) : View Source, Show About chillaks : am a freelancer In this lesson we are going to deal with definition of parallelogram, rectangles, square, rhombus and trapezoid. A parallelogram has two pairs of equal length. Classification. All four sides of a rhombus are the same length. The su. 1. Unanswered Questions. The opposite internal angles of both a parallelogram and rectangle are equivalent. A parallelogram has two pairs of equal length. March 24, 2013 … These are both quadrilaterals, with a rectangle being classified as a type of parallelogram. 2. What is the pass marks for inter 1st year sanskrit. How community needs impact on career choices . Parallelogram vs Rectangle Parallelogram and rectangle are quadrilaterals. What is the difference between a parallelogram and a rectangle? This is analogous to the difference between a square and a rectangle. Difference Between. The geometry of these figures were known to man for thousands of years. Angles.