Bats lay eggs. Bats don't lay eggs. They do NOT lay eggs; they give live birth to live offspring like nearly all mammals. Related Questions. The mother also nurses the baby in the beginning of its life. Like nearly all other mammals, bats give birth to live young, only one at a time. Related Questions. The only mammals that lay eggs are the montremes which currently consist of the platypus and 4 species of echidnas. Bats are classified as mammals, not birds, although they can fly by flapping their wings as birds do. Do bats lay eggs or give birth to young? Asked in Bats What do bat eggs look like? No, bats do not lay eggs. No, bats do not lay eggs. Bats give birth to pubs when there is a plenty of food available. Bats are mammals; all creatures with fur are mammals. Wiki User June 13, 2012 6:04AM. Bats give live birth. Do bats give birth directly or lay eggs? Instead, they give birth to one pub (baby) a year. They do not lay eggs. Answer. Wiki User March 23, 2012 10:10AM.