Mary thanked and praised the robin for all he had done. The British robin is mainly resident in the UK, though a minority, usually females, do migrate. The juvenile Robin has speckled buff-brown upper parts and underparts. The robins caught and measured ranged from young birds that had not long fledged to elderly males and females. The first British postmen wore red coats, and gained the nickname of robin or redbreast. Robins are famous for nesting in all kinds of unlikely locations, including sheds, kettles, boots, hanging baskets, coat pockets, under car bonnets, in farm machinery, even on boats in daily use. The UK's favourite bird - with its bright red breast it is familiar throughout the year and especially at Christmas! The Robin (Red-breast) is found throughout large parts of Europe. Territory boundaries are fluid, and change frequently as circumstances change. For a small bird the last thing you need is a large red target on your chest making you … Robins sing nearly all year round and despite their cute appearance, they are aggressively territorial and are quick to drive away intruders. Robin. Do female robins have red breast? This feature captured the attention of the Indigenous Noongar people of south-western Australia, who considered the red coloration of the robin’s breast to have been stained by blood. Photinia x fraseri is named because it was first discovered as a seedling in Fraser Nurseries in Birmingham Alabama in 1943. Both male and female robins hold their own territories in the winter, so both sexes sing the same winter song. Blackbird. By Dev Leave a Comment They will sing at night next to street lights. This is the reason why robins are born without a red breast, and don’t acquire it until their first moult. A patch of red triggers territorial behaviour, and robins are known to persistently attack stuffed robins and even tufts of red feathers. In some populations, up to 10 per cent of adult mortality is due to clashes over territory. The robin was declared Britain’s National Bird on December 15th, 1960. Juvenile Blackbirds have warm, speckled plumage that looks very different to both female and male adults. Young robins are mottled gold and brown, and do not have a red breast. Young robins are recognized by the dull-brown plumage with no red breast. Juvenile robins have mottled brown plumage with pale underparts. They stock not only regular sized plants but also larger ones in 12 litre pots for instant effect. Can anyone tell me wether they are Male or Female, apart from one of them having a stumpy tail I can't see amy other difference. Young Robins initially have speckled plumage and no red breast, but as their post-juvenile moult progresses, the orange-red feathering of the breast starts to appear, as well as their pale belly.