whales and dolphins are mammals and therefore need salt-free water to live rather than sea water. One evening, the … A herring and a whale were great friends and went everywhere together. How do whales drink water? Whales also eat prey that has salt content similar to the salt content in their blood, which also causes them to need less fresh water. Their skin is also very impermeable to water loss (no sweat glands), and the air at the surface of the sea (where they breathe) is so humid that the water lost through this route is minimal. It would be a roll of the dice to drink this water, but much less chance of dehydration than seawater. Top Answer. are these mammals able to go for many days without drinking water until they find salt-free water sources. So are we. Whale anatomy also indicates that their bodies are designed to process the salty sea water they drink. 1.7% salt is close to the salt content of urine. What about seals? I know with many things it is bad if you eat or drink too much of it, but is this true also for water? And we need to drink lots of water - the standard recommendation is 6 to 8 glasses per day. There are also other adaptations in their kidneys. Why must not the condensed water drip into the flask. We know that animals need water to survive, and whales live only in salt water. Reply Do dolphins drink salt water? We can't drink seawater because our You could drink a lot more of this water, in fact it is on the borderline of thirst-quenching. Whales live in the ocean, so they are surrounded by salt water, with no fresh water in sight. Actually, the Black Sea water is Brackish, not saline. How do dolphins and whales cope with the bends? And sea snakes? For humans, sea water is not drinkable due to its high salt content. We think these mammals get their non-salty water from the food that they eat, and they are able to extract that from the fish that they consume. Whales. How do you make weed in little alchemy. Water is produced metabolically by whales as a breakdown product of fat metabolism. Not all sea mammals, such as whales, dolphins, seals and walruses, actually drink sea water, which begs the question where do they get their water? Meanwhile, it has been proven in California, that Sea Lions can survive on a diet consisting only of fish. Their kidneys can also filter out some salt (better than ours, but not as good as, say, a shark), so they can drink some saltwater. Since they live in a watery environment, they lose less water to their surroundings than a human does (i.e., whales don't sweat as we do, and they lose less water when they exhale). Meanwhile, it has been proven in California, that Sea Lions can survive on a diet consisting only of fish. Some of the most common sea species whales eat include fish, krill, plankton and squid among other sea animals. Whales are mammals. So whales must need to drink water… or do they? 8. Wiki User October 30, … So yes, whales do drink. That is their only source of water, unless they go to the bar for a drink. How do whales, manatees, seals, and other sea faring mammals stay hydrated? Drinking Water. If you happened to drink five gallons of water in one day, healthwise, is it bad to drink that much water? manatees (also mammals) drink water near rivers and as they come closer to people they are watered through hoses left running near houses in florida .