I believe it brought them even closer to Jesus. While no dun horse is without a dorsal stripe, primitive markings also sometimes occur on horses of other colors, particularly those with sooty characteristics and newborn foals. Out in the morning sun at Tall Pines Stable in Tyngsboro, a rooster crows, and in the distance, a woodpecker hammers away at a pine. Markings: In addition to the cross, many donkeys have dark markings on the ears, as “garters” (zebra marks) around the legs, or as “zippers” down the inside of the forelegs. 10 Animal Cross Breeds That Will Blow Your Mind Away. America contains less than 1% of the world’s total donkey population of around 400 million. Because of this, a North American donkey may look very much like a specific European rare breed (such as a Catalonian, Majorcan, or Andalusian) but is still classified by height unless he has a proven pedigree. He climbed down, patted the animal's back, and said, "Well done." It is said that the shadow of the cross fell upon the shoulders and back of the donkey. It is a nickname, and not a true breed or type. It is a nickname, and not a true breed or type. Almost all donkeys will have a "cross". The next day, people noticed the markings of a cross on the little donkey's back. The cross is a darker brown or black dorsal stripe running from the top of the donkey's back from the withers (where the neck connects to the back) and extending to the rear and down the tail. My students at school just loved the story of the Jerusalem Donkey. The reason all donkey's have a cross on their back's is because it was the animal that rode Mary to the place were Jesus was born and he blessed every Donkey with a cross to show the world of the great thing that the animal (Donkey) had done. The very fact that the Jerusalem Donkey is born with the Sign of the Cross on his back, and continues so, gives one substantial ‘Food for Thought!’ As they approached the Temple, Jesus drew the donkey to a halt. The Liger or Tigon is Just One of Them The Liger or Tigon is Just One of Them Over the years scientific technology has afforded us to experiment not just with non-living things but with animals and humans as well. Many donkeys have a cross-shaped mark across their backs. Appalled by the sight of Jesus on the cross, the donkey turned away but could not leave. The donkey never stumbled on the cobblestone street or faltered beneath the weight. Legends tells us that the donkey that carried Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday followed him into Calvary. CROSS. So, too, are horse breeds such as the Konik and the Heck horse, "bred back" to resemble the now-extinct tarpan, many of which are grullo or mouse dun in color. The term Jerusalem donkey is often incorrectly applied to donkeys with the normal cross marking. And Frank Schneider is leading Sally into the world beyond her s…