The bottlenose dolphin is the part of the oceanic food chain. He said since dolphins are at the apex of the food chain in rivers, their condition would help assess whether the steps taken to clean the Ganges were working. Since Narendra Modi has become Prime Minister of India, he has affirmed to work in cleaning the river. Flexible neck. The Ganges River has many organisms, but none as high in the food chain as the Susu. They don't have any predators besides humans ruining their habitats. A dolphin is near the top of the food chain, which means it needs to rely on other animals for energy. A food pyramid of the Indus River Dolphin. The River Ganges is more than 2,500km long and has the most populated river basin in the world. Decline of Dolphin Population. Plants and dead fish feed the crabs and small fish. The mercury reaches dolphins through the food chain. Ganges river dolphins are usually tertiary consumers, and being at the top of the food chains means that they keep the balance of life in the Ganges River in order. In the 19th century, Ganges River dolphins were once found in ‘large schools’ close to urban centers along the river. The river's most famed faunal member is the freshwater Ganges river dolphin (Platanista gangetica gangetica), which has been declared India's national aquatic animal. [117] This dolphin used to exist in large schools near to urban centres in both the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers, but is now seriously threatened by pollution and dam construction. ... Dolphins are essential to the animal food chain, especially in promoting the presence of a … He said since dolphins are at the apex of the food chain in rivers, their condition would help assess whether the steps taken to clean the Ganges were working. They mainly eat catfish, which are bottom feeders … This means that it cannot see detail very well. Also known as the ‘Pink River Dolphin’ or the ‘Boto’, they are not to be confused with the marine pink dolphins. The males usually take control of their families. This family of dolphins includes examples like the Amazon river dolphin, Ganges river dolphin, Indus river dolphin, Bolivian river dolphin, Irrawaddy river dolphin, and the Yangtze river dolphin. It can bend its neck to hunt for food in the river … Since the river dolphin is at the apex of the aquatic food chain, its presence in adequate numbers symbolizes greater biodiversity in the river system and helps keep the ecosystem in balance. The Dolphin Food Chain. Mercury pollution from small-scale gold mining activities are one of the main threats to the Bolivian river dolphin, a subspecies of the Amazon river dolphin. Being one of the top predators means that the Ganges river dolphin is a vital part of the ecosystem. The small fish feed larger fish and the River dolphin will eat the larger fish. This family of dolphins includes examples like the Amazon river dolphin, Ganges river dolphin, Indus river dolphin, Bolivian river dolphin, Irrawaddy river dolphin, and the Yangtze river dolphin. Is a Ganges River Dolphin a predator or prey? This dolphin has a flexible neck. ... Amazon river dolphin, and the South Asian river dolphin (Ganges).