are representatives of this legacy, which seem to be all over the print, advertising, and social networking media around the world. Typically one is viewed as good, the other bad. It’s rare to find a proud “computer dork” or a “word dweeb,” but self-touting “computer nerds,” “book nerds,” and “word nerds,” are everywhere (as they should be!) Maybe I would agree with you for them being odd; however, they are not stupid. From the outset, then, nerd seems to operate like geek in that you can preface nerd with just about any subject in which you claim to have some sincere interest and expertise. Semantics, shemantics, you say. Dash If Vs. via Craig Newmark See Also: Nerd Venn Diagram: Geek, Dork or Dweeb? To all of you nerds and geeks who–like me–have been unfairly and inaccurately labeled “dorks,” only to then exhaustively explain the differences among the three to a more-than-skeptical offender, I say: You’re welcome. For example, I heard Chris Hardwick say that he viewed geek as negative, and nerd as positive, thus he named his website Nerdist. Grateful Halloween's Origin Hangover Hyphens And Adjectives Hyphen Vs. Geek vs Dork • Dork and geek are words used to refer to socially inept people but, whereas geek is considered complimentary, dork is a pejorative term. I never quite understood the differences between these categories. However, there is another battle which is much less defined and much more confusing (and we’re not talking about current events in the Middle East.) Whether Imply Vs. Infer Interested Vs. Lip Singing Literally Loose Vs. Chuck and Beans explain the difference between a geek, nerd and dork on Shoebox. Here's a handy Nerd Venn Diagram to help determine if you are a Geek, Dork or Dweeb. Nerd, Geek, vs Dork. ... Dweeb: A person who tends to be regarded as physically wimpish, intellectually challenged, and socially awkward, with little self-confidence. You're welcome. Geek is used to refer to a person who has an obsession for a particular field or a subject and is very enthusiastic about his field of interest. Check out the Venn diagram below that helps the tech-slang unsavvy navigate the difference between the confusing terms "geek," "nerd," "dork," and "dweeb." (It's true! A ‘Nerd’, ‘geek’ and ‘dork’ are words that have stereotyped images of persons associated with them. Geek - Nerd - Dork - Dweeb Gerunds And Infinitives Gerunds And Infinitives - Part 2 Good Vs. Well Greatful Vs. This handy geek/nerd/dork/dweeb Venn diagram should save you a … The differences between nerds, geeks, dorks, and dweebs. Lie Lead/Led Vs. Lead Lip Synching Vs. Maybe I would agree with you for them being odd; however, they are not stupid. Hipster vs Dweebs vs Dork vs Nerd vs Geek. Nerd, dork or geek; A nerd is someone who is obsessed with something specific to an annoying degree, a nerd has poor social skills and is generally regarded with disdain. In fact, these terms are meant to be pejorative. The word nerd has been embraced by the technical community and in some circles, it is considered a complimentary description of a person dedicated to a certain study or pastime. Nerd. In modern times, a nerd is generally used to refer to a person who is studious, undesirable and boring.