The fur is … The tiger doesn't … The Golden Jackal benefits while the Tiger neither gains or loses. Jackals are mammals that inhabit Euroasian, South American and sub-Saharan parts of the world. Normally the tiger … Tigers … In india, golden jackals that have been expelled from their pack have been known to attach themselves to a particular tiger, trailing it at a safe distance in order to feed on the big cat's kills. Ooo symbiosis! Without … The dhol will also warn nearby dhols of the tiger's presence, in exchange for also alerting tigers to nearby kills. Goby fish live on other sea animals, changing color to blend in with the host, thus gaining … what type of relationship exists between the jackal and the tiger? They will follow the tiger at a safe distance and feed on the remains of the tiger's kill. The tiger doesn't mind this. Jackal – Spirit Animal, Symbolism and Meaning. Tigers and a type of African Jackal (Dhole) have a relationship where a lone jackal will trail a tiger, eating the large cat's kills. The Golden Jackal is often mistaken for a very small Wolf.It features very long hair and a tail that is fluffed up. After that the jackal moves onto it's next free meal. For shame the lone golden jackal follows The trail of the tiger through the laurels Picks off what's left until its hunger grows, Again whilst for nothing the tiger toils; For shame the wings of night filch the … The tiger can sometimes have an unknown companion, the golden jackal. The tiger gets followed by the jackal. Relationship Between the Golden Jackal and the Tiger Bibliography Type of Relationship: Commensalism Who Benefits? Golden Jackal Facts and Information Canis aureus Introduction to Golden Jackal. A personal favorite of mine :) First I'll begin with an explanation for anyone reading this that doesn't know: commensalism is a biological symbiotic relationship in which one organism … Tigers and golden jackals. These dog-like creatures are from the same family as dogs and wolves. The tiger and the jackal have a symbiotic relationship called commensalism. When the golden jackal somehow is left out of his pack they will follow around a tiger, to try to find food. Tigers attack jackals and wolves because sometimes when a Tiger makes a kill jackals and wolves try to steal they'r food. How is each … They represent some sort of a mixture between dogs and wolves and there are three main jackal sorts: the golden jackal, side-striped jackal and the black-backed jackal. After the tiger finishes it's meal the jackal moves in and eats it's left overs. In the Himalayas, the golden jackal will sometimes form a commensal bond with a tiger. Golden jackals, once they have been expelled from a pack, will trail a tiger to feed on the remains of its kills. In India, lone golden jackals expelled from their pack have been known to form commensal relationships with tigers.These solitary jackals, known as kol-bahl, will attach themselves to a particular tiger, trailing it at a safe distance in order to feed on the big cat's kills.A kol-bahl will even alert a tiger … Golden Jackal & Tiger - Commensalism Relationship Tiger killing a wild boar Jackals eating left over prey The jackals eat what was left over from tiger Jackal then comes in and eats the remains.