The Batu Caves near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is one of the most famous Hindu sacred sites outside of the nation of India. The Malaysian land is divided into two parts, namely Malaysian Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia, between which the South China Sea flows. Population of Malaysia: … The population estimates provided are based on Population and Housing Census 2010 which has taken into accounts births, deaths and migration components. Malaysians celebration in the National Day Parade. Malaysia - Malaysia - Religion: Islam, Malaysia’s official religion, is followed by about three-fifths of the population. Malaysians celebration in the National Day Parade. The Hindu Net Desk. It showed Hindu population approximately 13.26% from the entire world population. As of 1 January 2020, the population of Malaysia was estimated to be 32,466,407 people. Malays account for more than half of the country's population, while significant minorities of Chinese, Bumiputera, and Indian are also present. Over 60 percent of Nepalis are Hindus. Thankfully, we are not anymore. Following is a list of Top ten Countries having the largest number of Hindus. Malaysia is globally famed for its secular credentials. The Current Population Estimates, Malaysia, 2019 presents mid-year population estimates of Malaysia and state for the year 2018–2019. All Religions of the World In Percentage. To assuage the fears of the Hindu community, a government spokesperson has said that it is not the aim of the […] Nepal. India leads the world in terms of Hindu population, with its Hindus representing 94.3% of those found worldwide. According to the internet survey, Hinduism has over 1.08 billion adherents worldwide (15% of world's population) with about 95% living in India . Nepal used to be a Hindu nation until recently. Update to date information about population of Malaysia in 2020. Malaysian government is proposing the formation of a Hindu Endowment Board (HEB) in all states with a sizeable Hindu population is to manage all Hindu temples. Its area is about 330,803 square kilometers. (If you ask a political Hindu, he/she would falsely claim over 80%). Below is a table of each country’s total Hindu population and the percentage of the total population that is Hindu. ... About 10% of the population of Malaysia are Christians, mostly non-Malay Bumiputera, also including some Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian minorities. Demographics of Malaysia 2019. Editorial credit: Yusnizam Yusof / Islam is one of the most important factors distinguishing a Malay from a non-Malay, and, by law, all Malays are Muslim. Editorial credit: Yusnizam Yusof / Update to date information about population of Bangladesh in 2020. India leads the world in terms of Hindu population, with its Hindus representing 94.3% of those found worldwide. Population of Bangladesh: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. Countries With The Largest Hindu Populations. The majority of Malaysian population is of Muslims at 61.3%, while Buddhists and Christians are at 2nd and 3rd positions with 19.8% and 9.2% respectively. This is an increase of 1.51 % (484,210 people) compared to population of 31,982,197 the year before. Data tables, maps, charts, and live population clock. Countries With The Largest Hindu Populations. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world after Christianity and Islam. This comprises 79.80% of India’s total population. In 2019 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 385,705. Presently, India and Nepal are the two Hindu majority … TOP 10 HINDU Nation within the World Percentagewise SRI LANKA HINDU Proportion of SRI LANKA QATAR HINDU Proportion of QATAR TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO HINDU Proportion. Hindus view this move of the Malaysian government with suspicion. Nepal (81.3%) and India (79.8%) are countries with Hindus being the majority of … Ethnic Groups Of Malaysia. Nepal has the second-highest Hindu population of 23.5 million, which is 81.30% of the country’s population. Hinduism has approximately 1.1 billion adherents worldwide (15% of world's population).