Dante se doopnaam as baba was Durante. Főművét, az Isteni színjátékot Babits Mihály a „világirodalom legnagyobb költeményének”, Jorge Luis Borges a „valaha írt legnagyobb irodalmi műnek” nevezte. Dante Alighieri, vaak kortweg Dante, een Italiaanse dichter en schrijver, bekend van La Divina Commedia; Dante (South Dakota), een plaats in de Amerikaanse staat South Dakota Dante (album), het derde studioalbum van de Franse poëet Abd al Malik Bonfim Costa Dante, Braziliaans voetballer; Dante López (1983), Paraguayaans voetballer Dante was a muscular, athletic man with an experienced knowledge of combat. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), is widely regarded as one of the greatest poets in the Western literary tradition and he is viewed as the national poet of Italy. itáliai költő, filozófus, az olasz és a világirodalom nagy klasszikusa. Om deel te neem aan die openbare lewe moes 'n burger van Florence een van die kunste bemeester — sodoende het Dante 'n dokter geword. Dante Alighieri Biography. Dante Alighieri, eredetileg Durante Alighieri, gyakran csak Dante (Firenze, 1265. május második fele – Ravenna, 1321. szeptember 14.) Hy is gebore in die prominente en invloedryke Alighieri familie van Florence, wat die Pouslike regte gesteun het. Who can we relate his situation to of the modern times? Dantes Skrieuwen Vita nuova fon 1293 is sogoar hier gans widmed un honnelt uur sien süüwere abstrakte Ljoowe foar hier. How did Dante Alighieri writer of Inferno die? Dante is tussen 14 Mei en 13 Junie 1265 gebore. Dante Alighieri was the titular protagonist of Dante's Inferno who traversed the nine circles of Hell to rescue his lost love, Beatrice. Dante kan verwijzen naar: . Dante Alighieri (Italian: ... Dante did not pay the money, in part because he believed he was not guilty, and in part because all his needs in Florence had been stolen by the Black Guelphs. He was a literary giant that had a decisive impact on the development not only of Italian literature but on many other aspects of the Renaissance. Dante is recognized in literature for his most famous work, The Divine Comedy, one of the essential works of the change from medieval to Renaissance thought. He had short, brown hair beneath his chain mail and metal crown of thorns. Dante Alighieri was a poet, born on May 29, 1265, in Florence, Italy. Uungeoachted sien Ljoowe foar Beatrice waas Dante Foar fon moorere Bäidene, wierfon Pietro Alighieri die Bekoandste is.