Mark. Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, Killed by a sword wound. My son wanted to do one and now I don't know how to get mine back. Died in Alexandria, Egypt… Who Was Peter and Why Was He So Important?,Kristen Terrette - Study from the Bible and be encouraged to grow your faith! Legend states that he asked to be crucified upside down, so that his death wouldn’t one-up the crucifixion of this master. I have heard this before, but after searching through my Bible I cannot find any reference to this event. Matthew. The Bible reveals nothing significant about this apostle. It seems that he wrote 1 Peter and 2 Peter shortly before he died. The depiction of Saint Peter as literally the keeper of the gates of heaven, popular with modern cartoonists, is not found in traditional religious art, but Peter usually heads groups of saints flanking God in heaven, on the right hand side (viewer's left) of God. Peter, a Jewish fisherman, was called to be a disciple of Jesus at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Concerning the last hours of his life, it is said that Peter, when seeing his own wife led out to die, rejoiced because of her summons and her return home. Saint Peter the Apostle, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ and, according to Roman Catholic tradition, the first pope. Some have interpreted a couple of … Jesus told Peter that he would die a martyr’s death in John 21. Mark. He was crucified, but upside down, because he felt unworthy to die the same way Jesus did. Learn more about Peter’s life. Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to gird yourself and walk wherever you wished; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands and someone else will gird you, and bring you where you do not wish to go. Judas Iscariot was the traitor (Matthew 10:4) who later hung himself (Matthew 27:3-6) and was therefore not listed in … He called to her very encouragingly and comfortingly, addressing her by name, and saying, "O thou, remember the Lord." Because of this persecution, Peter was crucified upside down while in Rome. Peter, a Jewish fisherman, was called to be a disciple of Jesus at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. . John recorded Christ stating, "'Truly, truly I say to you . Now He said this to signify by what death he (Peter) … .' According to tradition, Emperor Nero had Peter crucified upside down in Rome in around AD 64. Peter's death is not in the Bible. Because of this persecution, Peter was crucified upside down while in Rome. Jesus, shortly after his resurrection, revealed to the apostle that he would give his life for the sake of the gospel. He called to her very encouragingly and comfortingly, addressing her by name, and saying, "O thou, remember the Lord." Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, Killed by a sword wound. The Apostle Peter's death is not recorded in the Bible. Saint Peter the Apostle, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ and, according to Roman Catholic tradition, the first pope. Learn more about Peter’s life. Question; The other day in a discussion with a friend, a statement was made that the disciple Peter was crucified upside down. Some have interpreted a couple of verses as foretelling his death but I'm not so sure. And obviously, from what we have seen, the foundation Paul did not want to build on WAS THAT OF PETER… The death of Simon Peter, aka “Peter” isn’t recounted in the bible. Matthew. . the avatar is not mine. . -- The New Testament of the Jerusalem Bible. when you are old, you shall stretch out your hands, and another shall dress you . P.S. That makes it exceedingly PLAIN -- Rome had already been evangelized prior to the writing of the Book of Romans (57-58 A.D.)! But it’s commonly assumed that Peter was also crucified on a cross. In John’s gospel chapter 21, verses 18 and 19, John reported that Jesus told Peter that Peter would die a violent death for the Gospel, but his actual death is not reported. Concerning the last hours of his life, it is said that Peter, when seeing his own wife led out to die, rejoiced because of her summons and her return home. ANSWER: The Bible clearly states that Peter would die a Christian martyr but does not state it would be in Rome.