To protect their eyes, owls are equipped with 3 eyelids. Several owls, such as burrowing owls, short-eared owls, and snowy owls, are more active during the day than most other owl species. Some species of owls can actually see better than humans in bright light. Owls represent transition, in other words, and will guide you during difficult times in your life. But many new world monkeys do not. This binocular vision helps the birds to focus in on prey and see in three dimensions, much like humans. The greatest owl diversity is found in Asia, and only 19 owl species are found in the United States and Canada. Owls are found in all different habitats, and there are different owl species found on all continents except Antarctica. Do you think that they have the same kind of eyes as owls that are active at night? Owl’s eyes face forward, like humans do. Different species of owls live in different habitats as certain species of owls live in wooded areas, rainforests, grassy plains and deserts. Owls have several adaptations which allow them to see well at night. They have a normal upper and lower eyelid, the upper closing when the owl blinks, and the lower closing up when the owl is asleep. More than half of the owls in the world live in the neotropics and sub-Saharan Africa, and only 19 species reside in the United States and Canada. A list of all the owls Owls of The World. They process information at a much faster rate than we do. Rodents are most active at night, so owls need to see in the dark in order to hunt their prey. When ready to nest, they do not build their own nest but instead seek out existing sites such as the nests of other birds, squirrel nests, tree holes, crevices in rocks and nooks in buildings. Thanks for asking, Answer 2: Owls primarily hunt mice and other rodents. They need to process a lot less information than we do, which accelerates the process even further. The best time of day to see owls is at dawn or dusk when these birds are more easily spotted and more active. But they're weird in wonderful ways, like how they fly so silently and how they're able to turn their necks so carefully. Owls can live in trees, hollowed-out logs, inside cactus, a hole in the ground, barns or the abandoned nests of other birds. Large eyes let in more light than small eyes. Black-capped Screech Owl Megascops atricapillus. Northern Tawny-bellied Screech Owl Megascops watsonii They frequently twist their head and “bob and weave” to expand their field of view.Owls can turn their necks about 270° in either direction, and … Their mating rituals also include bowing to each other and rubbing bills.