We need you to answer this question! Wiki User June 02, 2015 8:10PM . Animal, bird and marine species have been completely wiped off the face of the earth or will be How many baiji dolphins leftintheworld? Chinese white dolphins to be exact—though they're known for their pink color, derived from a network … Pollution harms both the dolphins and their prey. info), Lipotes vexillifer, Lipotes meaning "left behind", vexillifer "flag bearer") is an extinct species freshwater dolphin, and is thought to be the first dolphin species driven to extinction due to the impact of humans.. Habitat threats, including illegal fishing, river pollution and increased boat traffic, have contributed to the dolphin’s demise. In 1997, there were only an estimated 13 left, and the baiji was the most critically endangered dolphin in the world. Why did Eminem perform at the 2020 Oscars? 7/25/2019. The vaquita and Maui dolphin have just a few individuals remaining. We need your support to stop any more whales and dolphins becoming extinct. We urgently need your help… Many species of whales and dolphins are endangered. Two kinds of river dolphins are dying off fast in the Amazon region, and may face extinction unless they are more vigorously protected against fishing, researchers in … How many baiji dolphins are left in the world? Why is the baiji endangered? Over fishing has decreased the baiji's food supply. Hector’s dolphins are the smallest and rarest marine dolphins in the world. Pollution harms both the dolphins and their prey. There is a subspecies of Hector’s dolphin known as Maui’s dolphin that is critically endangered and estimated to have a population of only 55. For the sake of the world's surviving river dolphin species, it is essential that we do not forget the extinct baiji, and the man-made reasons for its extinction. In 1997, there were only an estimated 13 left, and the baiji was the most critically endangered dolphin in the world. Despite many protections including a moratorium on whaling since 1986, many species of cetaceans continue to be threatened – with some on the verge of extinction. There are 54 Maui dolphins left Asked in Dolphins … River dolphins are cetaceans that inhabit freshwater and brackishwater habitats. They have distinct black facial markings, short stocky bodies and a dorsal fin shaped like a Mickey Mouse ear. Varying water levels in the Yangtze River due to industrial development have limited available habitat. Baiji may also be caught and killed by Worldwide, dolphins face a variety of impacts that are threatening their existence. Are Dolphins friendly with humans? Answer. There are over 80 species of cetaceans, a group made up of whales, dolphins and porpoises. The Amazon river dolphin, also known as … The Baiji was a freshwater dolphin found in the Yangtze River in China. A plan by a team READ MORE In 2007 scientists declared the baiji extinct when they had failed to find evidence of a single one in the Yangtze These clever, streamlined mammals are found in most of the world’s oceans, including around the UK.