Moderate amounts of assorted carrot, sweet potato, apple, banana, and orange also can be offered; however, it is advised to feed greens and green vegetables, which are more comparable to the natural diet. Though captivity may keep chimpanzees from harm, it just might be driving them mad. While the number of chimpanzees living in captivity worldwide is unknown, conservationists believe less than 2,000 chimpanzees are living in captivity in the United States. Chimps in Captivity There are a number of zoos housing chimps, and also a number of sanctuaries in Africa housing hundreds of chimps who are by-products of the bushmeat and live trade. Risks of captivity. As it's difficult to take accurate counts, we only have estimates. If they are up in a tree, they just have to extend their arm or move around a bit to get food. The documented behaviors, which … (ANIMAL WELFARE) While a zoo definitely isn’t preferable to the wild for any animal, many argue that it is sometimes necessary for those animals raised by human hands and unknown to the wild. Many people disagree with keeping chimpanzees captive, as this can have negative consequences for both them and people. The population size of chimps in captivity worldwide is in the thousands; however, this only serves to point out the depletion that has been occurring for years in wild populations, mainly for human entertainment. Common chimpanzees do not go down to the ground often. The IUCN estimates between 170,000 and 300,000 chimps remain in the wild. The chimps live in large groups of 15 to 150 individuals and live in a male dominated society. Unfortunately, chimpanzees can also be found in medical labs, where they are being used in medical testing because of their close relationship to humans. As it's difficult to take accurate counts, we only have estimates. Background Many captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) show a variety of serious behavioural abnormalities, some of which have been considered as possible signs of compromised mental health. Many chimpanzees housed in zoos show abnormal behavior that suggests mental illness, according to a new PLoS One study.. Chimps are very intelligent and difficult to maintain in all captive settings they are found in. They are wild and, although they can adapt to life in captivity and appear to be completely docile, they maintain their natural instincts. Normally, chimps live 40 to 50 years in the wild and 50 to 60 years in captivity Senior citizens are common in Florida but one 74-year-old is in a class of … Many captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) show a variety of serious behavioural abnormalities, some of which have been considered as possible signs of compromised mental health.The provision of environmental enrichments aimed at reducing the performance of abnormal behaviours is increasing the norm, with the housing of individuals in (semi-)natural social … The vast majority of chimps live in the wild, with only a few thousand … However, the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) consumes more meat than the bonobo. How Many Types Of Chimpanzees Are There? There are nearly 2,000 chimpanzees who live in captivity in the United States; approximately 600 remain in research facilities, awaiting placement after the ending of biomedical research, approximately 200-300 can be found in private homes, entertainment, and roadside … Bonobos are a much smaller population somewhere in the 30-50,000 range. Chimpanzees live about 60 years in captivity; their life span in the wild is only about 35-40 years (like most animals, they live much longer in captivity).