Twilight - What would happen if Edward bit Jacob? You looked a wolf My readers know I just can't go anywhere without a giveaway! You looked a wolf My readers know I just can't go anywhere without a giveaway! There is really no negative effect on just becoming a werewolf through the companions. This includes being bitten by a vampire and dying or nearly dying. It is for this reason that you need to find a real-life vampire and start negotiating. Some ways to become a werewolf according to traditional mythology: * Be cursed by some kind of mage. I will start by explaining what a werewolf is, then I will deal with other issues such as how to become a werewolf without being bitten and how to transform into a werewolf in real life. I bet many of you are wondering how someone is turned into a werewolf. No. Getting multiple bites from a vampire, and drinking the blood of a vampire after being bitten. IF U WANNA BE A VAMPIRE OR A HYBRID OR A WEREWOLF READ THE FOLLOWING.. IF you just get the disease from an actual werewolf, you can not control the transformation. In reality, getting chomped on by a shapeshifter is also one of the least successful ways to become a werewolf. Email me please! Another method is to apply a cursed ointment to the skin. Honestly, becoming a werewolf might not be your only problem. We all know the most popular way which involves being bitten by. Though it is once though you must either be bitten by a werewolf or have a placed with said curse placed on your in order to become a werewolf many other ways are also effective. It took me about 3-4 Quests to actually become a werewolf. I am a lycanthrope, or werewolf … I will start by explaining what a werewolf is, then I will deal with other issues such as how to become a werewolf without being bitten and how to transform into a werewolf in real life. Before you figure out how to become a werewolf you should first make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. Twilight - What would happen if Edward bit Jacob? Your best bet if you want to be a werewolf is seek out a pack and get scratched. As a man, after stripping of your human attire, you place either a wolfskin belt or the entire animals hide. How To Become A Werewolf An Introduction to Werewolfism. I have therefore decided to create this article to discuss the issue of werewolf spells. The only ways you get it is if your parents had it and passed it onto you (as mine did) or you get scratched, because werewolf claws are laced with the mutant genes which make people werewolves, so it the claw cuts you, the genes enter your bloodstream making you become one of us. If you still want to know how to become a werewolf, you can read about how to do so here, but I would advise thinking long and hard about the decision before doing so.