To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. … Interesting Sun Bear Facts: Sun bear can reach 4 to 5 feet in length and 60 to 150 pounds in weight. 1. It eats a lot of different things: fruit and other plants, eggs, honey and insects.They also eat … The sun bear can be found in tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Commercial 'bear bile farming' began in China in the 1980's. It gets its name from a blond chest patch of fur that looks like a setting sun. Sun Bears are at risk for extinction due to deforestation and illegal hunting. They’re still pretty big though! Amazing Facts About the Sun Bear. Males are slightly larger than females. Sun bears are also known as honey bears. Sun bears are active at night and are excellent and agile climbers. The sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) or Malayan sun bear is the smallest of all bears.It is an Asian subspecies. Sun bears are well-suited to their environment. Spectacled bears, also called Andean bears, get their name … Brown Bears Have 2 Layers of Fur! These bears have an interesting walk, with all four legs turned in while walking. These bears can extend their tongues up to 25 cm to extract honey and insects. Here are five interesting facts … Black bear weight varies enormously depending on age, sex and time of year – black bears can be 30% heavier in autumn than they are in spring. This is an interesting website I like the facts about black bears they are one of my favourite animals.I am learning about the Rocky Mountains including black Bears and snowy owls. Their short hair allows them to survive in a hotter environment. The black bear Ursus americanus is the smallest, yet most common, of the three bear species found in America (after the polar bear and grizzly bear). There are eight species of bear: American black bear, Asiatic black bear, brown bear, giant panda bear, polar bear, spectacled bear, sloth bear and … The first of our fascinating brown bear facts tells us all about their fur. Sun Bears mostly live in tropic rainforests.They are mostly active at night, and they stay in trees a lot of the time.. It is the smallest species of bear, with a length of up to 5 feet and weighing up to 150 pounds. Sun Bear Facts & Tidbits: Sun bears feed on bees, beehives, honey, termites, ants, beetle larvae, figs and other fruits. arzosa360. Body of sun bear is covered with short, but coarse fur that can … – to meet one of nature’s toughest animals in our 10 facts about polar bears! ... Malaysian Sun Bear Facts: Lesson for Kids A couple of weeks ago, I was waiting in hospital (don't worry, everything was OK), and my dad and I decided to research a new animal, so I chose the Malayan sun bear.