We need you to answer this question! Sea lampreys are a jawless parasitic fish native to the Atlantic Ocean. They are an order of jawless fish-like vertebrates. For questions on sea lamprey or the Sea Lamprey Control Program, contact the Sea Lamprey Control Centre of Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Sault Ste. Sea lions are predators of octupus, squid, anchovey, lamprey, rockfish, salmon, and mackerel. However, in the Great Lakes, the sea lamprey attacks native fish such as lake trout, lake whitefish, chub, and lake herring, which historically did not face sea lampreys Sea lampreys kill as many as 40 fish a year. Adult sea lampreys prey on other fish (including dolphins) by using their jawless mouth to suck the life out of the bodies. Sea lamprey traps are an important component of the sea lamprey control program.Traps are carefully designed to capture either juvenile sea lampreys as they migrate from tributaries to the open lake to prey on fish, or adult sea lampreys as they return to tributaries to spawn. Sea Lamprey: A Great Lakes Invader. Sea lampreys are so destructive that, under some conditions, only one out of seven fish attacked will survive. Sea lampreys are born blind. Sea lions are also prey. How do you catch the lamprey and what do you do with them? In its original habitats, the sea lamprey coevolved with its hosts, and those hosts evolved a measure of resistance to the sea lampreys. What type of fish do you fish for with Lamprey? It could be the case that if more anglers used lamprey it could become an effective bait for a range of sea fish species. Lamprey have yet to catch on as a mainstream sea fishing bait. Sea lampreys prey on all types of fish, such as lake trout, salmon, rainbow trout (steel­head), brown trout, whitefish, yellow perch, burbot, walleye, catfish, and even sturgeon. Sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) are parasitic fish native to the Atlantic Ocean.Sea lampreys, which parasitize other fish by sucking their blood and other body fluids, have remained largely unchanged for more than 340 million years and have survived through at least four major extinction events. Sea lamprey control is a critical component of fisheries management in the Great Lakes because it facilitates the rehabilitation of important fish stocks by significantly reducing sea lamprey induced mortality. Sea lions are predators of octupus, squid, anchovey, lamprey, rockfish, salmon, and mackerel. A single sea lamprey will destroy up to 18 kgs (40 lbs.) Sea lions are also prey. Don’t help sea lampreys pass over dams and culverts that block their spawning migration. of fish during its adult lifetime. However, anglers who have experimented with lamprey as a sea fishing bait have reported that cod, bass and conger eels have all been caught on frozen lamprey. Sea lamprey in a tank. Marie at 1-800-553-9091, or learn more about fighting sea lampreys with science. Invading the Great Lakes via manmade locks and shipping canals, their aggressive behavior and appetite for fish blood wreaked havoc on native fish populations. Sea Lamprey Traps. Sea lions are considered predators because they hunt and catch prey. Sea lions are considered predators because they hunt and catch prey. Do you eat them, use them for bait, or sell them to bait shops? Photo by Joanna Gilkeson/USFWS. How do you catch spawning sea lamprey? Lamprey looks like eels and have toothed funnel-like sucking mouth.