Allow your hedgehog to sniff your hands so that they will recognize you each time you handle them. Sometimes maybe never. Socialize your anxious grumpy or scared hedgehog with this method. Start handling your hedgehog in the evening when they are most likely to be awake. #4 hedgehog hiss, huff, and curls at things out of fear. Saved from Hello fellow hog owners. Chances are they don’t get nervous easily. I think the reason why book and online information is vague on handling, is because they are each so different. Bonding with a new pet hedgehog takes time. Best advice I can give is each hedgehog is different and they react differently to different people. Sometimes when you go close to them, they will curl up and jump at you when you get close. How to Handle & Tame a mean / aggressive / scared hedgehog .. When hedgehogs feel scared or threatened, they curl up in a ball. I’ve gotten emails and comments about other aspects of hedgehog care in response to my two hedgehog blog posts – How To Care For A Pet hedgehog and Must-Have Products For Your Pet Hedgehog. I’ve gotten emails and comments about other aspects of hedgehog care in response to my two hedgehog blog posts – How To Care For A Pet hedgehog and Must-Have Products For Your Pet Hedgehog. However, if you are looking to have a hedgehog as a pet, African pygmy hedgehogs are your best choice! The behavior of this wild hedgehog is a perfect example of what happens when you you don't tame your hedgehog. How exactly, does one examine a hedgehog? Be patient. Be sure to look up videos to see what a grumpy hedgehog looks and a gentle one looks like so you're prepared to know what you're dealing with. Place your hands palm side up on either side of the hedgehog. Place your hands palm side up on either side of the hedgehog. Discover ideas about Hedgehog Care. How To Socialize A Scared or Grumpy Hedgehog - how to tame your hedgehog that is anxious, scared or grumpy. She had three healthy babies who have all found great homes (including one with us). Because of this, it is very important for you to tame your hedgehog pet because if you don’t, you are facing a very prickly time while you try to snuggle your hedgehog pet. Even if she was grumpy for the sake of being grumpy, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to at least get a baseline on her in case anything appeared to be wrong in the future. Grumpy hedgehog takes a long time to create a bond with. Bonding with your hedgehog helps to create an attachment between you and your pet. I've been trying to tame my hedgehog since we've picked him up from the breeder about 3 months ago. I love this video! A sleepy hedgehog can be grumpy which will make this task practically impossible. If your hedgehog is a baby, it will go through a phase called “quilling,” where a baby hedgehog is grumpy and loses baby quills.