This is based on a racial classification made by Carleton S. Coon in 1962. The are actually only 3 races in the world. Race, the idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences. The following list of human races holds testimony to mankind's evolution into the alpha creature of all creation and how different races of humanity rule every corner of planet Earth. During the 1930's and 40's, and the rise of Fascism in Italy under Mussolini and Hitler in Nazi Germany, Europeans were convinced all other non-white races and minorities were inferior on every level. Through this change many ethnic groups and races came out to be better looking than others in terms of beauty and physical stature. Credit: Scott Cresswell/CC-BY 2.0. The world population can be divided into 4 major races, namely white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid. Today, there are too many people in the world that many scientists are concerned about the future of the earth. “Esarus thar no'Darador' - By Blood and Honor We Serve.” — Archaic human saying . They are mostly based on phenotypical traits like skin colour and face structure. But although the primitive types are well and strongly marked, yet from amalgamation, climatic influences, and various other causes, the sharp lines are in many instances almost obliterated. Theirs was the first system to be given the gift of life in our galaxy and all of the other species, ours included, may have descended from them. Today, four major divisions of the human race are acknowledged. What Are the Types of Human Races? The Five Human Races. If Yoda came from any one of the alien species on this list, it would probably have been this one. The Major Divisions of the Human … It should be remembered here that no classification of human races has been considered as universally valid. From quadruped catarrhini to bipedal brainy creatures, mankind has undertaken a long evolutionary journey. The above classification shows that human races can be classified into Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Australoid. Face Plates: Faces of the Races of the World . Ethnologists have generally divided human beings into five distinct classes. 1-Caucasoid (European) 2-negroid. During the Second War, the armies of Stormwind rallied with the rest of the human kingdoms in the Alliance of Lordaeron to reclaim their homeland of Stormwind. During the 1930's and 40's, and the rise of Fascism in Italy under Mussolini and Hitler in Nazi Germany, Europeans were convinced all other non-white races and minorities were inferior on every level. Home World View. On the genetic distances between races: "Cavalli-Sforza's team compiled extraordinary tables depicting the "genetic distances" separating 2,000 different ethnic groups from each other. The are actually only 3 races in the world. Almoga Mobarez was an ethnicity of human native to Asmodean. Soon enough, humans started to adapt to their surroundings. Is your ethnic group in the list? All races share 99.99+% of the same genetic materials which means that division of race is largely subjective, and that the original 3-5 races were also probably just subjective descriptions as well. This is a list of human races and ethnicities that have appeared or are mentioned in passing in the Evillious Chronicles. This reasoning leads to the idea that local adaptations can sometimes be biological markers of racial status in humans; that is, human races are ecotypes (Pigliucci & Kaplan, 2003). February 20, 2010, charm, 12 Comments. Out of thousands of ethnic groups we bring you the top 10 most beautiful ethnic group and races in the world! They are said to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. It is … The humans are one of the playable Alliance races in World of Warcraft. Number of Races in the World. Human variation is highly non-concordant: most of the genes do not cluster together and are not inherited together. Race is a social construct.