Hello everyone! If you are wondering if your BTS is acting normally or might be sick, this is where you can get help with that. What does the blue-tongue skink look like? For specific inquires please contact David or Manny through email or phone. Fish. How to increase humidity in a blue tongue skink tank? Blue tongue skinks, also known as blue-tongued skinks, are an Australian genus of reptiles that are members of the skink (Scincidae) family. hey guys today we're going to talk about humidity and Blue Tongue skink hi I'm TC Houston former professional zookeeper lifeline reptile fanatic and Blue Tongue skink reader and this is reptile Mountain TV evidence-based captive bred animals so there are two categories of Blue Tongue skink that I they're not official categories I guessRead More Irian Jaya blue-tongued skink In terms of pets however, most skink owners have either an Indonesian or Australian skink, with the latter being far, far more preferable. The best bedding for your skink will depend on whether it is a high humidity animal (Indonesian, Irian Jaya or Marauke) or a moderate humidity animal (Northern, Eastern or other). In this forum all are welcome to ask blue tongue skink-related questions, share information, ideas, tips, experiences, and pictures with fellow BTS enthusiasts. Awesome Irian Jaya Blue Tongue Skinks for sale at the lowest prices only at Underground Reptiles. There is also an undescribed Irian Jaya (Tiliqua sp). I've been trying to get a blue tongue skink for a while now and recently came by an opportunity to get either a Merauke or an Iran Jaya. There are also different ways to raise or lower humidity, which will be discussed below. First subspecies to be recognized is Tiliqua gigas gigas (Indonesian blue-tongued skink), Tiliqua gigas keyensis (Kei island blue-tongued skink) and Tiliqua gigas evanescens (Merauke blue-tongued skink) which is pictured. Despite the fact that the Irian Jaya Blue-Tongued Skink was first discovered only a few decades ago, back in the 1990s, it still doesn’t even have a proper scientific name. How to reach ideal humidity levels in a blue tongue skink tank? So, as you can see, blue tongue skinks generally require quite moderate humidity levels, apart from Indonesian subspecies (mainly true Indonesian, Merauke, Kei island and especially Halmahera). In this forum all are welcome to ask blue tongue skink-related questions, share information, ideas, tips, experiences, and pictures with fellow BTS enthusiasts. usually no heating equipment is required for night. ... Getting and keeping humidity up for Irian Jaya Blue Tongue Skink (x-post from r/reptile) ... Hello! Other Livestock / Hoofed Animals. Blue-tongued skink enclosures should have ambient temperatures on the cool side from 75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Freshwater fish / inverts Irian Jay and Tanimbar blue tongues also need higher levels of humidity. All blue tongue skinks are members of the genus Tiliqua, and are named for their characteristic blue tongues.There are eight different species in the genus, with various colors and patterns. Feel free to post anything you'd like related to Blue Tongue Skinks, pictures, videos, etc! The warm end should include a basking area of 90 to 100 degrees. ☐ Feeding: We suggest a high-quality, wet dog food (ex. Is a Common Blue-Tongued Skink the Right Pet Lizard for You ? Its body is elongated and robust, reminiscent more of a snake than a lizard, has short but very strong legs and its base color is beige with orange and black stripes on the back, although due to its expansion as a pet is being obtained in captivity many other phases, as with the ball pythons or crested geckos. I had wanted a Northern Blue tongue, just because I heard they are less trouble when it comes to adjusting humidity since they are more adjusted to 30-40% humidity. The island is known to hold a wealth of flora and fauna and to contain some of the largest remaining expanses of old-growth rainforest. temps at night - no lower than 60. use a 12 hour cycle example: 9:00am heat lamp on, 9:00pm heat lamp … The best place to inquire about getting an Irian Jaya is through a reputable blue-tongue skink breeder, that has been vouched for … Within the enclosure this should range between 60% and 90% humidity, allowing for spikes and falls. Ships Priority Overnight. For irian jaya, humidity should be at least 60 percent. As everyone knows, Irian Jaya comprises the western portion of the island of New Guinea, one of the largest islands in the world. Measuring about 60 cm (2 ft), the skink displays a dark brown body with a light peach undertone. Blue-tongues are semi-fossorial, so loose substrate should be provided to allow burrowing behavior. Now, when it comes to the best substrate for your blue-tongue skink, I need to divide things here. The reason for this is quite simple; Australian blue-tongues are hardier (it’s more difficult for them to succumb to illness and die) and are more docile around humans. Live Arrival Guarantee. The enclosure can be sprayed daily to aid keeping this humidity high.