A tomato is a common garden fruit that is easily mistaken for a vegetable as most fruits are sweet! The classification of the tomato can be confusing. Answers. Strictly speaking most of what we eat as "vegetables" are in fact the fruiting bodies of those plants: green beans, squash, tomatoes, pumpkin, etc. However, the tomato has a much lower sugar content than other fruits, and is therefore not as sweet. The term 'vegetable' is more generally used of other edible parts of plants, such as cabbage leaves, celery stalks, and potato tubers, which are not strictly the fruit … Mostly people will use a fruit as a vegetable because it is not so sweet- these fruits are avocado, tomato, bel pepper, cucumber, courgettes. Favorite Answer . I'm going to say vegetable. 2] What's your nationality? I checked the web and found out botanically a tomato is a fruit, but the Supreme Court ruled it a vegetable. Botanically speaking, a tomato is the ovary, together with its seeds, of a flowering plant, that is a fruit or, more precisely, a berry. Botanically, a tomato is a fruit: the ovary, together with its seeds, of a flowering plant. I think it is classed as a fruit. Legally, it is a vegetable, as was determined by the 1893 case of Nix v Hedden. Answer Save. 1 decade ago. Log in to reply to the answers Post; Anonymous. Botanically, a fruit is any seed-bearing organ and a vegetable isn't really a classification, since a vegetable is usually just enlarged non-seed bearing tissues, such as leaves, roots or tubers. Techinally they are the edible seed of the plant- whichi s how fruit is classified. Botanically speaking, there is no such thing as a vegetable. Legally, it is a vegetable, as was determined by the 1893 case of Nix v Hedden. Botanically speaking, there is no such thing as a vegetable. It can actually be considered a vegetable and a fruit at the same time depending on which context it's in. Relevance. Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? 0 1 0. Tomatoes are therefore a fruit, because they contain the … The definition of a fruit is a seed-bearing object that grows from the ovary of a flowering plant, and a vegetable is all other parts of a plant: Roots, stalks and leaves. At least one thing eaters regard as a fruit - rhubarb - is in fact a vegetable. This problem might relate to nationalities. It's a fruit. Anonymous. But tomatoes are used as a vegetable. However, from a culinary perspective, the tomato is not as sweet as those foodstuffs usually called fruits and it is typically served as part of a main course of a meal, as are other vegetables, rather than at dessert. It is definitely classified (scientifically) as a fruit but it is put under the vegetable section as it is used in cooking or salads along side the other vegetables rather than the rest of fruit. Anything with seeds or that is a seed is a fruit, and everything else is just the rest of the plant. I know that scientists are calling almost all plant foods fruits, even a lot of what are actually vegetables. Fruit. A tomato has seeds and vegetables don't. Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable? 3] If you're american, what state do you come from? The tomato, though technically a fruit, is often used as a vegetable, and a bean pod is also technically a fruit. 0 1 1. A cucumber also has small seeds so it is also a fruit. 1 decade ago. But there are key things to note. However, the tomato is not as sweet as those foodstuffs usually called fruits and, from a culinary standpoint, it is typically served as part of a salad or main course of a meal, as are vegetables, rather than at dessert, as are fruits. So, my purpose of this question is to settle a debate between the hubby and I, by popular vote. In the culinary and social senses, the tomato is typically considered to be a vegetable. yep, it's a fruit, your right had many an argument about it. Fruit that is primarily used as a vegetable. They are savouriy and so they're used as veg. They are class scientifically according to specific characteristics. Scientifically, it is considered a fruit because it is actually the ovary enclosed with seeds that came from a developing flower. 4] If you're not american, what do people in your country think of it, fruit or vegetable? 1] Is tomato fruit or vegetable? There are many things we commonly call vegetables that technically are not. Other undeniable vegetable … Typically served as part of a salad or main course of a meal, rather than at dessert, it is considered a vegetable for most culinary purposes. 49 Answers. That's enough for me to call it a vegetable. A tomato has seeds and vegetables don't. In the culinary and social senses, the tomato is typically considered to be a vegetable. Anything with seeds or that is a seed is a fruit, and everything else is just the rest of the plant. A lot of techincally seaking "fruits" are used as veg.