I realized that the kids didn’t know that eggs hatch into baby birds so I created this Life Cycle of the Robin printable which the children helped cut out and glue into a book. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE ROBIN - Late Summer to Early Spring. Robin Life Cycle Word Cards This handy set of word cards cover the main vocabulary for this topic with lovely images to illustrate each one. By Robin Bernard. Have you ever watched a bird nest in your yard being built? Voice. We got lucky one year and saw a robin building its nest just outside a window in our home. As of February, 2001, the longest-living banded wild robin ever recorded had survived 13 years and 11 months, according to the Bird Banding Laboratory at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Amazing Facts About the Robin (European) The European robin is perhaps the best known of all British birds. Join Nat Geo Kids as we follow the life-cycle of this quirky creature, from the egg to the air! There is no right answer to the question of whether the bird or the egg comes first since the life cycle of a bird is a circle with no beginning or end. Signs of the Seasons observers are contributing phenology data to monitor for possible changes in the timing of robins’ annual life cycle events in response to a changing climate. (See more of my book activities for kids.) Appearance: The distinguishing feature of the American Robin is its red-orange belly. No, robins do not mate for life. According to the website Young People's Trust for the Environment, almost three quarters of all European Robins die before they are a year old, usually being attacked by predators. In winter, its diet is made up largely of berries. The female builds a cup-shaped nest with twigs, grass, and feathers. In captivity it can live for more than 10 years. Most robins die their first year. None of that matters to the impressive number of birds on the planet who spend their lives naturally moving through their life cycle. A female may have two or three broods a season. A. 1-2, 3-5 K. Genre. At other times they can usually be heard singing their melodious warbling song from strategic perches, often quite high up; it sounds like "twiddle-oo, twiddle-eedee, twiddle-oo twiddle". Robins have two broods a year. It is often seen on lawns in the morning looking for earthworms. Our fantastic range of life cycle powerpoints each feature a step by step introduction with lovely images to illustrate each stage, a helpful video, and a clear diagram showing how the process repeats! There’s a Robin’s nest that we often pass on our walks and today the babies were hatched. Life Cycle Robins mate in the spring from April through July. Print and laminate them so your children can keep them on hand, or put them up in your classroom to prompt them during independent writin. A robins life cycle is, first one is egg, 2nd one is chicks, 3rd is grown up, 4th one is having chicks, 5th one is live for about 1 year or less. Frequently the care of the fledged young is left to the male, while the female prepares herself for the next nesting effort. A female may have two or three broods a season. Robins mate in the spring from April through July. Stage 1: the egg. Every continent has its own robins, but only the Japanese and Ryukyu robins … Life Cycle. Grades. This bird life cycle spinner set is just like that, but it includes three different birds: Chicken, Robin and Bald Eagle. Adult female Robin. As they read, they will learn all about robins, their life, and the life cycle of these amazing animals. The Life of a Butterfly. Pairs usually remain together during an entire breeding season, which can involve two or three nestings. Three successful broods a year is not uncommon, and in a … In captivity, robins have survived longer than 17 years. Robins are rarely seen or heard during midsummer (July-August) when they are moulting and become rather retiring. For all the cards and puzzles activities, I prefer to print them out on white card stock and laminate them for durability and repetitive use. Robin Life Cycle Emergent Reader – Print out this book and have children read it to you. Inside these tiny eggs, caterpillars grow. In the wild, the European Robin has a very short lifespan of about one or two years, though some live much longer. It includes a two minute sequence of the female robin … The young are tended by their parents for up to three weeks after fledging. It is a common visitor to gardens and once attracted to food put out on a bird table, it will return to it all winter through. But the lifespan goes up dramatically for the ones that survive that critical time, because they've learned so many important life skills. The life cycle of a monarch butterfly is described from its egg stage through adulthood using wonderful photographs and simple text. It all starts when a female butterfly lays her eggs, usually on leaves or stems of plants.