Dan Miller, the author of “48 Days to the Work You Love“, categorizes the human personality into 4 common traits. PERSONALITY TEST ATTACHED) Breakdown of the four animal personality types: lion, owl, koala, peacock. LION EAGLE [A] [D] TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE LEADERS, LIONS NEED TO: DIRECTING LION WHY CAUTIOUS EAGLE Realize their need for people/ need to appreciate others Release some control, so they can benefit from others' talents Slow down their pace Pay closer attention to detail Learn to Natalia Deriabina / Shutterstock . This specific assessment involves four different types of students as animals. Learn more about the Boston-based web application & development firm that also specializes in digital marketing & SEO efforts - ADK Group. Answer the questions honestly and the quiz will build a mathematical model of your personality and match it to our database of animal profiles. There is the lion, peacock, koala, and the owl. Dan Miller, the author of “48 Days to the Work You Love“, categorizes the human personality into 4 common traits. before I begin I don’t know out of all these if I have a favorite. Everyone has a personality type similar to one of these four animals or a combination of two. Which animal are you? The BOLT personality test acronym stands for bull, owl, lamb, and tiger. Visit the blog at georgetown.nslcleaders.org to find out more! Takes charge, likes power and authority, confident, very direct, bold, determined, competitive. Last Thursday, I gave my students a personality assessment survey which incorporated what kind of learner they are. He categorizes these traits with an analogy to some familiar animals as follows: A. Dominance (Driver) – Lion,Eagle. Rank 36 color blocks from most to least preferred and vice versa, and you’ll reveal profile details that indicate the strength of your creativity, intelligence, and organization and decision-making skills. Test Color. The owl is logical, mathematically minded, methodical and sometimes seen as a perfectionist. If you have a lion personality, you are likely to be a leader and perhaps even respected. Four Personality Types. These particular animals represent the four main personality types different people can have. He categorizes these traits with an analogy to some familiar animals as follows: A. Dominance (Driver) – Lion,Eagle. Koala or owl? Your favorite color can reveal a lot about your personality, according to the free Test Color quiz. Owl: The wise owl. the ‘neutral dove’, ‘analytical owl’, ‘relational pea- cock’ and ‘decisive eagle’. Ready to find your Animal Personality? Which personality type are you – owl, lion, peacock, or koala? What do the job seeker who is having an interview and a person who runs a business and has a product or service to offer have in common? Skaneateles student finds his leadership spirit animal at D.C. conference Charles J. Clarke III is the creator of the BOLT™ system which identifies personality types and assists in the selling process, so you can double your chances of making the sale.It is based on decades of scientific research.. BOLT™ stands for Bulls, Owls, Lambs and Tigers®. Peacock: The showy peacock. Lion “I want it done right and I want it done now.” Lions are very direct and at the same time guarded. Studies prove that the four animal types are extremely consistent in their behaviors and decision-making processes.