massive mature bull. Have yourself taken by surprise by elephants and gorillas! Follow the tracks of the majestic Lord Derby Eland in the savannah! The hunt […] Safaris in the savannah and rainforest of Cameroon for bongo eland lord derby western roan elephant cob singsing buffalo and other species. They are preparing for the breeding season and their necks have swollen up and their hide is in excellent condition. For the operator with best trophies in … The limited amount of annual permits for this species make it a costly but unforgettable hunt. In Savannah Area your quota will be in addition to the Lord Derby Eland as below : - 1 animal from the following A list : Lord Derby Eland (with a 10,000 USD bonus), West African Savannah Buffalo, Roan Antelope, Sing Sing Waterbuck, Harnessed Bushbuck, Cameroon is the only viable country left where you can hunt this magnificent antelope, truly one of Africa's greatest trophies! Available Species Obviously the Lord Derby Eland, is the primary species, but together with this please contact the safari outfitters, llc office for complete up-to date pricing information. This Lord Derby Eland Hunt, is arguably the best hunt in Africa. the prices quoted on this website are subject to change. The giant eland derives its alternative name, Lord Derby’s eland, from one Edward Smith-Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby, who apparently was responsible for transporting the first live animals of this species to England in the 19th century. Hunts Offered: Lord Derby Eland + 4 Species from class B/C * 10 days. These animals don’t hang around very much. Giant eland hunting usually requires active pursuit. The giant eland (Taurotragus derbianus), also known as the Lord Derby eland, is an open-forest and savanna antelope.A species of the family Bovidae and genus Taurotragus, it was described in 1847 by John Edward Gray.The giant eland is the largest species of antelope, with a body length ranging from 220–290 cm (86.5–114 in). Hunting Area Faro Coron & The Wild Kingdom, 500.000 acres. Great offer for the right guy. Anyone who has price this hunt out before can see this is a great price for this hunt.It is a dream hunt one day but out of my price range right now.I have seen offers for lord derby eland more then twice this amount. Anyone who has price this hunt out before can see this is a great price for this hunt.It is a dream hunt one day but out of my price range right now.I have seen offers for lord derby eland more then twice this amount. Stretching from the tropical 20 December 2014, 04:28. The cost of the hunt depends upon the species and the number of animals you wish to take. Bridge of nose is charcoal-black, and there is often a white or tan-coloured chevron present between the eyes. Cameroon is a marvellous country for those who wish to hunt big game.