The Mourning Cloak Butterfly The mourning cloak or Species: Antiopa (Family: Brushfoot, Sub-fam: Nymphalinae, Genius: Nymphalis) has one of the longest lifespans of all butterflies, as it estivates (a period of dormancy during the summer) and also hibernates all winter in the adult phase. After several encounters with butterflies this past year, it got me thinking about the deeper spiritual meaning of these meetings and the symbolism of butterflies. I had some awesome things happen to me all at once. Discover you dream meanings with mourning cloak butterfly. Other older names for this species include grand surprise and white petticoat. What does mourning cloak butterfly mean? The dorsal side of its wings are a dark maroon, or occasionally brown, with ragged pale-yellow edges. A butterfly is a strong symbol of metamorphosis, with distinct stages. Reincarnation, Magick, Balance, Grace. They symbolize the advent of something unseen. Information and translations of mourning cloak butterfly in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. In northern areas where it overwinters, adults may be seen basking in the sun during almost every month of winter on warm days. The three stages are symbols of life, death and resurrection. Spirit Blooms life, one bloom at a time ... when a butterfly chose just that moment to fly right past me and land on a nearby flower, a Mourning Cloak Butterfly, a type I hadn’t seen since I was a child, when they seemed to be everywhere near our house. General Butterfly Meanings, and Messages. The immature form of this species is sometimes known as the spiny elm caterpillar. Mourning Cloak is dedicated to companioning children, teens, young adults and adults who are experiencing both grief and a significant loss. I will share a little of what happened. The spiritual meaning of monarch butterfly's inside your house is a sign from god. It is meant to be a sign from loved ones that have passed away. Often the first butterflies to emerge in the spring (frequently before the winter snow has melted), mourning cloaks rest on tree trunks and turn their dark wings toward the sun to absorb heat for flight. It is symbolic of the resurrection of Christ. ... the divine person of Christ Jesus who gifts us with salvation and eternal life and lives within us through his spirit. Butterfly Meaning – The Metaphor of the Butterfly. This makes both species long-lived for a butterfly; they top off at about eight months. Umbrosa form of the Question Mark butterfly. White: Symbolizes spiritual growth and wisdom, helping you to follow the right path. Information and translations of mourning cloak butterfly in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Crescent, Devil's Lake A crescent butterfly, possibly a Northern crescent. Spiritual Meaning of Different Colors of Butterflies. The period during which a death is mourned mourning cloak n A butterfly, Nymphalis antiopa of Europe and North Amenca, with purplish 'brown wings having a yellow border. Mourning doves especially, have captivated man's imagination. Short-life. The butterfly meaning represents spiritual rebirth, transformation, creativity, endless potential, vibrant joy, change, ascension, and an ability to experience the wonder of life. The butterfly meaning represents spiritual rebirth, transformation, creativity, endless potential, vibrant joy, change, ascension, and an ability to experience the wonder of life. Symbolic And Animal Spirit Totem Posted in Animal Totems, Spiritual Symbols And Their Meanings Butterfly Quotes The Dimension Travellers Playful soul, seeker of joy, dimension Traveller, spirit seer, Self discoveries are near.