1. Tsotsi (2005) 3. Beasts of No Nation (2015) This is a chronology of major films produced in South Africa or by the South African film industry.There may be an overlap, particularly between South African and foreign films which are sometimes co-produced; the list should attempt to document films which are either South African produced or strongly associated with South African culture. Blood diamonds (also called conflict diamonds, brown diamonds, hot diamonds, or red diamonds) are diamonds mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency, an invading army's war efforts, or a warlord's activity. Marathon Man (1976) A graduate history student is unwittingly caught in the middle of an international conspiracy involving stolen diamonds, an exiled Nazi war criminal, and a rogue government agent. Hotel Rwanda (2004) 2. The Last King of Scotland (2006) 4. Aman Garg, a movie a night keeps your mind alight. 100 THE BEST FILMS in AFRICA Top African movies. Films set in Africa provide us the opportunity to witness the realities of life in the continent and to learn more about our shared human history. Elderly Kate Blackwell looks back at her family's life beginning with her Scottish father Jamie McGregor's journey to South Africa to make his fortune in diamonds. The mission takes him to Las Vegas where Bond meets his archenemy Blofeld. 9 Show-Stopping Movies Set in Africa Everyone Should See. The term is used to highlight the negative consequences of the diamond trade in certain areas, or to label an individual diamond as having come from such an area. The mining of blood diamonds is based on forced labor in war-torn ... Terminator 2 and The Matrix are such movies, and so is Blood Diamond. These are our favourite ten films shot on location in Southern and Eastern Africa: The family history is … Here are just a few of the best. The First Grader (2010) 5. With its friendly climate, even friendlier people and landscapes that can look pretty much lke anywhere in the world, Africa is becoming a hot spot for the shooting of films. Africa has become a prime location for international series and movies. James Bond infiltrates a smuggling mission to find out who’s guilty. Here are 30 must watch films set in Africa (in English, French, Swahili and Nigerian English). In the end, we are left to wonder if peace can ever be attained in such a world. The very specific UN definition of blood diamonds was formulated during the 1990s, when brutal civil wars were being waged in parts of western and central Africa by rebel groups based in diamond-rich areas of their countries.