by Quentin Coleman . I've walked her legs off this morning and allowed her to play with a friend's guide dog puppy so hopefully she'll be too tired to play for a bit. Crossing the Line. Puppies play with their littermates constantly. Older dogs are often very tolerant of puppy play even though it would the pup good to be told off! Some dogs however play too rough, in a hyper-aroused state. When the puppies are older and there have been more boundaries and less anxiety, the older dog might decide that she wants to play, but if that never happens and the dogs can peacefully hang around one another, that is still great. However, most of the stories I hear are filled with tales about how the puppy annoyed the heck out of the older dog. To a certain extent, I’m comfortable letting a puppy be a puppy for a few moments, nipping and snapping gently at the older dog to initiate play. We brought new puppy home last Wednesday. Whether it's incorrectly defining innocent play as dangerous fighting or taking too lightly what is actually aggressive behavior, it is important to learn what dogs are saying to each other through their play. I've filmed them to get opinions from others that are more experienced with a 2 dog household. Some dogs however play too rough, in a hyper-aroused state. As part of getting to grips with their lives as a dog, your puppy will use their teeth, bodies and paws as part of play fighting, which is when they learn skills such as bite inhibition, boundary control and when to stop and back off. I never quite understood why an owner would adopt a puppy for an elderly dog. Older dogs are often very tolerant of puppy play even though it would the pup good to be told off! How puppies play depends on a great deal on the breed. How to Keep Dogs in the Same House from Fighting. Introducing a puppy to an older dog doesn’t have to be stressful. Okay I really need help! Dogs may play-bite, lunge, swipe, and even bark at you or other dogs during play, but it will normally be done in a gentle, friendly manner. Puppy play fighting with older dog. Play fighting can appear very ferocious particular with open mouths. Play fighting can appear very ferocious particular with open mouths. Either the older dog will give in to a bout of play, or he/she will snap at the puppy to let Pupper know, “I’m NOT in the mood, kid.” When we roughhouse with our dog, because we’re not dogs, we don’t master the rules of play and will often bring the excitement level out of … When you bring a new pup home, there's a good chance he'll occasionally engage your other dogs in mock brawls. Allow your pups to play fight until they are about 4 months old. With a bit of planning and preparation, you can introduce your new puppy to any other dogs that already live with you, safely and calmly. This is normal dog play. Playtime with others takes the dogs to very high levels of energy, increasing the chances for things to turn bad. Owners often buy a puppy as their existing dog grows older, hoping it will turn out to be just as wonderful. I thought after doing a lot of reading up on owning two dogs, I'd be prepared, but I guess I'm not! My Younger Dog is Attacking My Older Dog. If you notice one dog isn't feeling it and looks like he'd rather be left alone, it might be best to separate them for a time. Older lab is almost 4 years old and new lab mix puppy is 10 weeks. How can you tell if dogs are playing or fighting? Although some older dogs will play with the new puppy and enjoy it, as the older dog ages, he’s going to want less playtime and more relaxation and peace. When we roughhouse with our dog, because we’re not dogs, we don’t master the rules of play … How can you tell if dogs are playing or fighting? However, playful activities can take a turn for the worse if the dog begins to bite or play in a way that harms people or other animals.