When they are pregnant the colors of both fish will brighten and you may catch a glimpse of the eggs in a mouth brooder's mouth, but in general, from their physical appearance alone, it is difficult to know if either fish is pregnant. Some of the symptoms include: Unexplained constipation, diarrhea, gas, or other symptoms of IBS; Trouble falling asleep or waking up multiple times during the night; Skin irritation or unexplained rash, hives, rosacea, or eczema One of the surest signs of hormonal behavior is when a normally tame and sweet bird suddenly starts trying to bite. Herbivorous fish should simply be fed a lot of green foods instead of pellets or flakes. Orange parrotfish seem to be getting more pale, almost white. Convict cichlids are popular fish for beginners because they are easy to raise and also fairly easy to breed. The fish would never have lasted that long. It is believed bloat is cause by internal parasites. Many species of fish are naturally voracious, so when a fish suddenly refuses food, especially at a scheduled feeding time, this is a solid indicator that she is coming close to delivery. 10 Signs You May Have a Parasite. Figuring out exactly what Symptoms your fish is showing can go along way twoards a diagnosis. Pay attention to where in the tank she spends most of her time. Why not just stop eating fish while pregnant or breastfeeding? Goldfish, severums, silver dollars and mbuna are examples of fish that will happily graze on soft aquatic plants in lieu of other foods. It is important that you monitor and ensure that your fish stays healthy. Another telltale indicator that a female fish is pregnant is that she begins refusing food just before delivery. While there is no direct way to tell that your tetra fish is pregnant, there are many clues and signs that can help you find out if your fish is about to spawn. If a parrot fish is expecting, she typically will stay in one area the majority of the time. If you have never bred convict cichlids, however, you may not be familiar with their behaviors and you might not know whether they've laid eggs. What I noticed is that they began nesting. The egg takes around three weeks to form in the average parrot's body, but the parrot does not show any signs of pregnancy. Algae contains some cellulose, but there is generally not enough to satisfy fish in the average aquarium. Parrots do not get pregnant. Once a fish starts to show the pinecone look, there is nothing you could do for it. I have a pair of parrot fish in my cichlid tank. Cichlids are ideal fish for novice aquarists wishing to have the color of saltwater fish without the precise water conditions and time-consuming maintenance. Behavioral Signs: Also if it were bloat it would be dead already. I doubt its dropsy. Any ideas? Parrot fish are found in tropical waters worldwide. One of the most common mistakes of aquarium owners is slow to react to early signs and warning of disease. Are they going to breed? Can I eat canned tuna while pregnant or breastfeeding? With bloat once a fish starts to show the signs of bloat ( by getting larger) its also too late. I am fish-sitting for a friend, and just opened a new container of dried food. On the fish itself it is barely noticeable only as a flat, dull colored bump that you may just think is a part of the fish, unless you see the legs themselves or the disk moving around on the body. Observe your parrot fish. Which are the safest types of fish to eat while pregnant or breastfeeding? Good choices for low-mercury fish; Which fish are high in mercury? Physical Signs: A flat disk-shaped arthropod parasite with many legs. Different species are found in different parts of the world -- for example, the queen parrot fish limits its range mainly to the Caribbean, while the majority of parrot fish species can be found spread throughout the Indo-Pacific, or the tropical waters spreading westward from South America past Australia. Treatment If an enlarged stomach or intestine is thought to be the cause of a swim bladder disorder, the first course of action is to not feed the fish for three days. The signs of a parasite can often appear unrelated and unexplained. They literally pick up one rock at a time and move them and like dig in under rocks, then they sleep in there. There are telltale signs to watch for. Rarely fish are born with birth defects that affect the swim bladder, but in these cases, symptoms are usually present at an early age.