Tropical rainforests are home to numerous species of animals which include mammals, reptiles, insects, etc. This is where they are in the food chain: plants > herbivores > carnivores. Gorillas and black howler monkeys live in the African rain forests. already exists as an alternate of this question. Rainforests are found in countries such as Brazil, Peru, the Philippines, Indonesia, Congo, and Papua New Guinea. Biologists say over half of all plant and animal species live in the rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest is home to 427 mammal species, 1,300 bird species, 378 species of reptiles, and more than 400 species of amphibians. exists and is an alternate of . The well-established plants of the Amazon Rainforest are popular for many species of animals, just think about Cecropia Tree, it brings several species of Monkeys, Bats, Birds, Ants, Butterflies, Sloth, Kinkajou just to list a few! Some of the main predators include vultures, kites, owls, eagles, hawks and so many other hunter birds. Would you like to merge this question into it? The tropical rainforest biome is the flora and fauna that make up the ecosystem. An example of these in the Amazon Rainforest are the trees, shrubs, bromeliads and other plants 2. The shrub layer, where saplings and shrubs grow close to the forest floor, is home to … This humidity will help speed up the process of decomposition of the matter. most of the tropical rainforest animals eat plants or other animals. places in which plants are inaccessible to many herbivores, or in which animals can hide from predators. The number of animals in the Amazon Rainforest is huge. MERGE CANCEL. ® Categories Animal Life What animals eat a shrub? On this page you’ll find information, pictures and facts about just some of the amazing animals that live in the world’s biggest rainforest. Rainforest animals eat a wide and varied diet, including fruit, leaves, insects, nuts, seeds, bark, grasses and other animals. Vines, shrubs, grasses and moss grow in the lower third of a jungle making it very difficult to penetrate on foot. The rainforest floor is very humid due to the evaporation of water from the leaves and shrubs that are found in this layer. Examples of these in the Amazon Rainforest are jaguars, gorillas and anacondas. Rain forest grass more closely resembles small ferns or shrubs, because the forest floor does not receive much light. DOminant ANimals Roosevelt elk Located in temperate rainforest, the Roosevelt elk are the largest variety of elk in North America. They take over burrows of other animals in a variety of habitats such as the tundra, forests, grasslands and around homes in wood piles. The great diversity in rainforest species is in large part the result of diverse and numerous physical refuges , [16] i.e. These tree tops take the brunt of rainstorms and trap much of this moisture between and under the interwoven tree branches, keeping the air beneath them warm and humid.