Even today, as though the blaze might re-kindle any moment, al-Hinai stops short of his yard, halting at the edge to trace the shape of the green flames that hovered ominously for several minutes above the sand, neither growing nor relenting. I as well as many people dont want to hear lectures and speeches..I wont go into further detail. When I was 5 this woman at the Masjid introduced me to stories about jinns, since then I have heard way too many from people of all nationalities. Praise be to Allah. “The Shaytan flows through the son of Adam like blood.” (Al-Sahih) In a number of hadiths, the Prophet removed jinns from the body of people. **first off...this is a question and answers section. The jinn are an important realm of created beings whom Allah mentioned in many places in the Quran. Question: "What are jinn?" According to the Quran, upon reciting Surah Yassin, Surah Baqarah, and Muawadhatein, it causes the Jinn to … Muhammed al-Hinai points to the spot behind his modest cement house where the inferno appeared eight months ago. The world of the jinn is an independent and separate world, with its own distinct nature and features that are hidden from the world of humans. Some people may be surprised to hear that Jinns may have passion for human beings. The Quran says that the jinn were created from a “smokeless and scorching fire,” separately from humans or angels. Not everyone can see that. He would come to a person and strike him on the chest or the back and say ‘Leave o’ enemy of Allah and I am the messenger of Allah’. What are Jinns Attracted to: Jinns will solely come out for those who or one other human you are within the presence of has a religious frequency that they’ll talk and affiliate with. Jinns’ passion for human beings may come as a … Answer: Jinn (singular, jinni; also spelled djinni or genie) is an Arabic word that literally means “to hide.”Jinn are supernatural creatures found in Islamic and Arabic writings, particularly the Quran. Avoid These 5 Things This Summer If You Don't Want To Get Bit. be detailed and specific. So they said, “Our son is mentally sick, he has a problem - they diagnosed him as bipolar.” What is bipolar? Not going to repeat any tho, they are really scary. One of the most significant of these passages is that in which Allah tells us, in Surat al-Jinn, about the great wisdom and powers of reasoning with which many of them are blessed, even though they are different from human beings. if it doesnt answer a question..please keep the comment to yourself. Alkhabal: Jinns who scare people by using their things, removing their items from their places right in front of their eyes and can even cause seizures and epilepsy. They make the iris straight, not round. It is true that Jinns [may] love human beings. When jinns comes they turn the eyes into cat’s eyes. Jinns are selfish and they may cause their loved human beings many troubles. ... Mosquitoes are more attracted to men because … They will use human physique language, actions, and different methods, to speak with us. They brought that boy with them who looks very strange. Jinns and humans have some things in common, such as the possession of understanding and the choice between the way of good and the way of evil. well i had a question of my own in this modern day era...what are the things jinns are attracted to. His eyes look like cat’s eyes. From what I've heard I think they are attracted to impurity places such where there is a lot of garbage, and washrooms, things like that. He is possessed! What Scents Attract Bugs?