You can keep some native birds without a biodiversity conservation licence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. From Adelie Penguin to Common Noddy, to Spangled Drongo and all the way to Zebra Finch, this is the place to search for Australia's birds. Cockatoos are creatures of habit It is illegal to shoot hen pheasants (females); they are protected as the providers of next year’s crop. You must get a falconry licence to hunt birds with a falcon. Here, you can search for birds by species using their common name or scientific name, or by location. Bird numbers. The Australian Government is responsible for national border biosecurity and oversees the species of animals that may be brought into the country. These species require a licence to hunt whether on private or declared public lands. Some restaurants will cook game birds for hunters. Birds in the air see birds feeding below and join them. Bird Spy Australia is foremost a YouTube channel but you will find project plans and articles on this website. ... A new study incorporating traditional Indigenous Australian ecological knowledge describes the largely unknown behaviour of so-called 'firehawk raptors' – birds that intentionally spread … All wild birds are protected by state and federal laws, with the exception of the European starling, rock (feral) pigeon, and English sparrow. Farmers have been banned from shooting 'pest' birds on their land as Natural England has bowed to a legal challenge from environmentalists including Chris Packham. Chapter 15 – Birds - bird problems - common pest species - prevention and control - deterrent methods - trapping - poisoning - shooting Pest status: It is an irrefutable fact that the vast majority of birds provide much pleasure for humans and many play an important role in the web of life. Potential changes to the list of bird species that can be imported into Australia will not impact the bird species currently kept or bred in Victoria. Shallow bowls are best, as small birds can become trapped in deep dishes and drown (cat litter trays can actually be quite handy for this reason, and these are often found in discount stores for just a few dollars) Native game bird species in NSW can only be hunted under the Native Game Bird Management Program, managed by the DPI Game Licensing Unit. Category 2 game animals include a number of animals commonly referred to as ‘feral’ animals including feral pigs, feral goats, wild dogs, feral cats, rabbits, foxes, hares and several game birds. Foxes and feral cats Foxes and feral cats can be taken using the .22 rimfire or .22 Magnum rimfire at ranges out to about 100m. Most firearms I own happen to be in pairs. The outlying islands covered include: Christmas , Cocos (Keeling) , Ashmore , Torres Strait , Coral Sea , Lord Howe , Norfolk , Macquarie and Heard/McDonald . Category 1 game species include all wild deer and some game birds. Australian Birds List with Pictures, Facts and Information July 23, 2018 October 22, 2016 by admin Our Australian birds list contains many of Australia’s most famous birds, together with many other notable or unusual species. We need you to answer this question! If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now!