The gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus), also known as the grey whale, gray back whale, Pacific gray whale, or California gray whale, is a baleen whale that migrates between feeding and breeding grounds yearly. Southern Right Wiles. Humpback Whales. What does this mean for the babies? Do all gray whales migrate? Researchers say although many gray whales died last year, … Global Warming is a huge issue for whales to deal with. They surface only for a quick spout and breath before disappearing back into the ocean. Humpback whales live in both hemispheres making them to cross over the other side of the world during the feeding and breeding seasons. 3) The scientific name for the gray whale is, “Eschrichtius robustus”. What do the bodies of the gray whales demand before the whales migrate to the south? Unanswered Questions . No, some gray whales are found year round on the coasts of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California. 2) Because the gray whale is a marine mammal they are warm-blooded, breathe air, give birth and produce milk to feed their young. Gray whales have a narrow, tapered head, and a streamlined body. Generally, the larger, older whales migrate the furthest north. Whales and Climate Change. Gray whale - Eschricthtius robustus Some of the first whale watching tours ever to have been offered focused on gray whales along the coast of southern California. A few babies each year are born during their mother's migration south—before reaching the warm, sheltered nursery lagoons. BACKGROUND Gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) probably migrate farther than any other marine mammal. Tulang litanya kay ninoy isinigawa ni pat villafuerte. The report was sent to the coordinator for the Santa Barbara 'Gray Whales Count' project that organizes volunteers to count northbound gray whales off Santa Barbara during the winter and spring. They may become confused about when to migrate and when to remain in their habitat. Traveling south along the coast of western North America, the gray whale is often seen during the fall singly or in small groups of 2-10.The pregnant females are the first to migrate, followed by the non-pregnant females and then the males. In the winter, these eastern gray whales migrate south along the west coast of the U.S to Mexico to breed and have their calves. They then migrate back to the tropics segregated by sex and age, the older and pregnant whales migrating first, with the sexually immature whales bringing up the rear. Hitchhikers: Free Rides on Gray Whales Imagine carrying a ton of hitchhikers on your back! 1) The gray whale makes up one of around 90 known species of cetacea in existence today. The gray whale is one of the animal kingdom's great migrators. During the migration south to Mexico then back north to Alaska, gray whales feed opportunistically (only when and where the find food) but they are expending much more energy swimming during the migration. WWF supports a gray whale research team in the Gulf of California’s San Ignacio Lagoon—one of the best places … Gray whales do this all their lives. They have migration patterns that are part of their lives. There is a small, entirely separate, population of North Pacific gray whales in Korean waters. When do gray whales make their yearly migration? Some whales become quite skinny before they return to Alaska. However, this can all be upset dramatically as the climate changes. The gray whale migrates 12,000 miles round-trip from the frigid waters of the Arctic where it feeds to the tepid waters of the US and Mexico where it breeds. Gray Whales on the Move Students trace the migration route of a gray whale and discover the gray whale’s natural history. The dead giants of the ocean washed up … Instead of teeth, gray whales have baleen, which is like a thick comb made up of long, fine hairs. WWF supports a gray whale research team in the Gulf of California’s San Ignacio Lagoon—one of the best places in the world to see gray whales with their calves. Something killed 121 gray whales this spring and summer, and scientists are struggling to find out what it was. During this migration, they eat virtually nothing for at least 4 months and live on body reserves. Found close to shore, and often curious around boats, the species is well-loved by whale watchers up and down the west coasts of Canada, the United States and Mexico.