"Well your honour, it is hard to explain. The accused says "A cross between a bald eagle and an … But if you don't mind the court asking, what does a Bald Eagle taste like?" A forest ranger is making rounds in a remote part of the wooded reserve when he comes across an unkempt man, sitting at a make-shift campfire, and, to the ranger's horror, eating a fish and a bald eagle. 15 minutes goes by and the judge returns: "Due to the extreme circumstance you were under and because you didn't intend to kill the eagle, the court will dismiss the charges." With this question, you leave opportunities open for endless puns! ... you didn't intend to kill the eagle, the court will dismiss the charges. The Judge then leans over the bench and whispers: "If you don't mind my asking, what does a bald eagle taste like?" This joke may contain profanity. A park ranger finds a man in the wilderness eating a bald eagle. ... Then he leans over and whispers "Between you and me, what does a spotted owl actually taste like?" "What do you have to say in your defence?" "Well your Honor," the man told him, "Its not as tender as Spotted Owl but its better than Bald Eagle!" But if you don't mind the court asking, what does a Bald Eagle taste like… Astro! ... Before the man leaves the judge whispers, "Between you and me, how did it taste?" Judge: "The court will take a recess while we analyze your testimony." “Due to the extreme circumstances you were under and because you didn’t intend to kill the eagle, the court will dismiss the charges.” The Judge then leans over the bench and whispers: “If you don’t mind my asking, what does a bald eagle taste like?” “Well, Your Honor, it is hard to explain. The man replies, "It was sort of like a cross ... read more. Ahem, to the question: Once while on a camping trip, food ran short, a plump … He pleads with the judge, “Your honor, I was lost in the wilderness for three days without food, and the eagle … Sourced from Reddit, Twitter, and beyond! Randomly came up with this joke laying in bed one night - What do you call a bald eagle with the flu that migrates from Mexico to the US? “Due to the extreme circumstances, and because you did not intend to kill the eagle, the court will dismiss the charges.” The Judge then leans over the bench and whispers, “If you don’t mind my asking, what does a bald eagle taste like… But if you don't mind the court asking, what does a Bald Eagle taste like?" Bald Eagle Snack. 15 minutes goes by and the judge returns. Judge: "Due to the extreme circumstance you were under and because you didn`t intend to kill the Eagle, the court will dismiss the charges. Man: "Well, your honor, it is hard to explain. A guy is caught by a ranger eating a Bald Eagle and is consequently put in jail for the crime. "This is a serious crime," says the judge. 19 of them, in fact! Endless, I tell you! Judge: "Due to the extreme circumstance you were under and because you didn't intend to kill the Eagle, the court will dismiss the charges. A man is brought before an American court on charges that he killed and ate a bald eagle. The man is arrested and brought to trial for killing a protected bird. But if you don't mind the court asking, what does a Bald Eagle taste like… "Your honour, He told me a story about when he was fishing and a "fucking eagle…