The plot of James Hurst’s short story revolved around a symbolic meaning between the Scarlet Ibis and Doodle. The scarlet ibis is on the title and the whole story is some kind of “introduction” to what happens after the ibis arrives. The Scarlet Ibis, written by James Hurst, is about a brothers bond and his pride that pushes his brother until death. The ibis perches in the bleeding tree, which reminds readers of the color red as well. In "The Scarlet Ibis", what does the scarlet symbolize. When Doodle dies, his blood stains his skin and his shirt red. The rainless and cruel weather foreshadows the lack of progress in Doodle's training and the downfall of his health. All the characters, specially Doodle, share some characteristics and are portrayed somehow in something related to the bird. (Photo by Faraaz Abdool) (Photo by Faraaz Abdool) Flying low over the water and glowing brilliant red in the light of the setting sun, thousands of Scarlet Ibis quietly assemble at their roosting site. 10 points!!!!! In this part of the story, a huge storm is forming. Start studying Imagery and Symbolism in "The Scarlet Ibis". The Scarlet Ibis The title itself is "The Scarlet Ibis," and scarlet is a shade of red. Symbolism In The Scarlet Ibis, By James Hurst 733 Words | 3 Pages. The Scarlet Ibis is the national bird of Trinidad and Tobago. He does this to relate the Scarlet Ibis’ graceful, beautiful death to Doodle’s Death. It's ironic that it's getting dark and dreary because something dreary is about to happen. Though the tree no longer stands, it nevertheless lives on in his memory. When you see a storm, a tree, or the color red how does it make you feel? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Doodle because they are both rare and unable to survive in a harsh world. When recalling the memories that comprise James Hurst's short story "The Scarlet Ibis," the narrator, Brother, notes that a grindstone stands in place of the bleeding tree.