I just got home from work and she is laying upside down at the very bottom and her eyes are barely opened. He’s a 2 year old graceful chameleon. Hi everyone, I think there’s something wrong with my chameleon - which I just noticed today. She has been lying down on the bottom of her ventilated cage for two days now. If a veiled chameleon's coloring is muted and dark, he might be feeling placid and calm. Within their geographic scope, these lizards are abundant in the wild. As with many types of chameleons, veileds can change coloration. We thought it was part of the shedding process but it never went away. whats wrong with my chameleon!?!!? I've had my baby veiled chameleon for about 1 1/2mos and for the past 2-3 days he hasn't eaten much and is acting EXTREMELY sluggish.. I just got home from work and she is laying upside down at the very bottom and her eyes are barely opened. I changed the UVB light, i now make sure that crickets are gut loaded. Not even any worms. I … There are a few things to look for when purchasing your chameleon. I always made sure that his cage was 80 degrees with a humidity of 50%. I bought a chameleon a few months ago, and it was smooth skinned, you could kinda see its ribs when it breathed heavy, but now it … They are also common as exotic pets in households around the world. This has been there for 2~ weeks before even my Borderline diagnosis, the concept of my social chameleon was made as an issue my last partner who had ASD greatly envied. Thank you Chameleon- I have a Female Veiled Chameleon, I was given no age but I … I was recommended to try a higher wattage bulb to keep him and his habitat a little warmer but it didn't seem to help. I had moved about 2 months ago and since moving it looked like he was doing better. I have a veiled chameleon and something seems wrong. What is wrong with my chameleon? Thank you for your help! I have a veiled chameleon and we don't know what's wrong with her. Any one or combination of these symptoms could be a sign of an existing problem or problems to come. The vet advised that i fource feed him but i think it makes him more stressed. He started shedding a couple months ago, that's when it started. What color a veiled chameleon sports says a few things about his mood and well-being. He doesn't move and always has his eyes close. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. Is it possible she is just hot? If you want to see the videos I posted, please ask me and I'll try to help you. She isn't eating or drinking. I am just trying to help someone out. With veiled chameleons in excited moods, you might notice, as an example, quick shifts in color ranging from deep, dull green to practically neon green. I was recommended to try a higher wattage bulb to keep him and his habitat a little warmer but it didn't seem to help. I've had my baby veiled chameleon for about 1 1/2mos and for the past 2-3 days he hasn't eaten much and is acting EXTREMELY sluggish.. What's wrong with my Veiled Chameleon? I misted her, she has crickets, her uv light is working. Veiled chameleons in moods of excitement or stimulation usually take on brighter and paler coloring. Please help! He is still not improving. Also, one or both of his back legs usually hands off the branch when hes grabbing onto it. Something is wrong with my veiled chameleon. To make things worse, my chameleon doesnt want to eat crickets anymore or anything else for that matter. His tail is curled in and he - Answered by a verified Reptile Expert He’s a veiled. Illness. Is it possible she is just hot? I am lucky in a way with my over analyzing need to know why to anything answer’s prevent fear, and gifted in the ability to be self aware. It said they stay gravid for about a month before laying their eggs. We thought we were providing enough calcium through coating her crickets etc and we cant see anything wrong in her bones or joints. Any answers would … What could be wrong? I do not own this Chameleon. Last night she was acting strange and this morning my boyfriend saw her laying on the ground of her cage. I’d like to know if i’m able to do something at home for him or if I need to take him to the vet as soon as I have the funds. EDIT: Its been a few months, my chameleon is healthy and doing great.